Kimberly P. O. V
I quickly control my expression"What are you talking about anyway I am happy that you are alright and doing fine. Not everyone is as lucky as you Adrian.I tho… " He squeezed my hands again. That stopped my bubbling . I focused in his eyes. Though his face was swollen, one could see a knowing look on his face. He knew but how?How the hell did he know?
He was unconscious when I was healing him. He couldn't hear me or felt anything. He was at the hand of death for all we know. Then how did he?
"Ye-s,I w-as a-t the han-d of de-a-th. It w-as com-ple-tely dark. I felt tr-app-ed and suffo-cat-ed . I wa-s alo-ne there. I cou-ld fe-el m-y lif-e w-as drai-ning out of my body.Ahh Whe-n I le-ft al-l m-y hopes to survi-ve I sa+w a light at the en-d of t-he da-rkne-ss "He took a deep breath.Too much speaking causing him to cough and his eyes welled up in tears.