Zander P. O. V

"Shit, I will be there soon . Gather more warriors to handle it for a while".

When the warrior left I turned to Alex whose face is white as paper. She is in deep thoughts.

" Are you ok? ".

" Ah yea yea I am fine just space out".

I was still focused on her when she fell on the list.

" What is this? "raising an eyebrow she asked me .

" This is the list of people who have been killed in past years along with their age and personal information ".

" But most of them are women and very young as well".

"There are men as well but they have been killed while protecting the girls ".

" Why in the last three years it has gotten more intense according to the graph".

"Three years before they used to kidnap kids. Some of them died , some returned in very bad conditions. Their bodies were covered with deep cuts of silver which can not be healed easily. Some were sold as sex slaves".

" And all of them were girls? ".