Alex P. O. V
Feeling a body heat and slight touch on the left upper arm I moved away a little. The touch made me feel uncomfortable. I stood up straight looking straight ahead. The elders were finishing up the arrangements of the ritual. A big vessel was placed in the middle of the stage on a platform. Behind it was a podium for the elder who was going to summon the moon goddess during the ceremony. The other elders had their seats near the edge of the stage.
The decorations looked magnificent. The white silked clothes crossed above our heads in the center were giving it a tent-like look. The lights of the candle at night , the white flower decorations giving it a dreamy look. The vessel was filled with something that looked like water but was thicker than water. An elder came and placed the ancient dagger near the vessel covered in a red cloth. More than a century this dagger was in the royal family. It was a gift from Goddess Selene.