First Evolution

The Romans and the recruits returned to the building where the recruits had spent the previous night. They went to the first floor.

Kyle ran into the scene. The recruits who saw him laughed at him. His expectations were exceeded by the reception. He was expecting a dreadful welcome. It made him wonder what his fellow recruits had been told about him when he was gone.

He pulled one of the recruits aside and asked about the guy he had beat up. He was pointed in a direction. He saw the recruit he beat up looking fine. He was glad to know that.

There were seats ready for the recruits. The seats were placed before a big screen. The recruits settled into the seats. The Romans went to stand directly in front of the screen.

The screen was put on and then some images came on the screen. The images showed human anatomy and the anatomy of the human brain.

A Roman began, "My name is Rita Wright. I'm a Roman. You all are wondering what is going on here. You will soon get the answer to the question. Some of your comrades were unlucky when they arrived in this world for the first time yesterday. They died at the hands of a vicious creature."

"A few of those who met this monster were able to escape with their lives. A big thanks goes to one of the comrades who was able to break the creature's AOE mental scrambler. Kyle Rogan is the comrade's name. Can you please stand up,"

Kylo stood up. A spot light came on him.

"Yes, he looks familiar. He is the guy from earlier who freaked out and then assaulted a fellow recruit and a senior officer. Don't you say Kyle, it's been a tough couple of days."

Kyle blushed.

Rita asked Kyle, "can you please tell us what happened after you managed to get free of the creature's AOE power?"

"The guys and I ran for our lives?"

"No before running for your lives. What happened? What happened inside you?"

Kyle looked around and observed the eyes on him,"You guys would say I'm crazy."

"That's what we are for. Tell us, Kyle."

He replied, "I heard a voice in my head telling me I had gained experience points."

"That voice is kind of still you. Our scientists here call it the system. "The same thing will happen to anyone of us who breaks any creature's AOE powers," Rita explained further.

Another Roman, Jeffery, chimed in, "The part of your brain responsible for involuntary actions was forced to develop by the atmosphere of this world. That part of your brain became the system."

"The system acts like an NPC game guide. It tells you the amount of experience points you gain for each gene you absorb, as well as the level of your body and the type of creature you kill when you kill one. Our scientists theorise that the system can do way much more. "

"It can do more than that, though. You will learn more after you exit the theatre," Rita said.

"Kyle, come on stage please. Luo, Smith, Raw, Xing, and Fred, please come on stage."

Luo Ping, Smith, Raw, Xing, and Fred were the recruits that faced the crocodile-gyle with Kyle.

A woman dressed in a chef's apron pushed a food cart to the stage. On the cart was roughly 20 kg of deliciously cooked meat.

"Enjoy your breakfast," Rita said to the recruits on stage.

Six Hover seats appeared from the ground for the recruits to sit in.They sat shyly and then ate the food in the same manner.

Rita said to the other recruits, "You guys will watch them eat. It's part of the learning process."

Kyle was the first to take a bite. After he swallowed the bite of meat, he heard the voice in his head from before. "You have gained 1 Soma point," the voice said.

The others eating with Kyle also heard a voice in their heads. They raised their heads to look at each other.

"Yes," Rita said to them, "the system in your body has been triggered."

The recruits continued eating. Whenever they swallowed, the voice alerted them that they had gained points from the food.

2 minutes later, Kyle and co. were done with the meal. A voice in their head said, "100 Soma points successfully collected." "The first evolution is ready to commence. Evolve now, yes or no."

Kyle and the others were confused.

The voice consistently pressed them, "Evolve now, yes or no?"

The six recruits said yes openly. Instantly, they were wrapped in a red cocoon.

Rita pleasantly clapped, "they are evolving. They collected enough Soma points from the meal to evolve. The evolution would take thirty seconds to complete."

The evolution finished seconds later. The cocoon burned off like steam. The evolvers were left standing on the floor. They had their arms crossed on their chest like a mummy. Steam exuded from their bodies.

Kyle was awoken by the announcement, "Evolution complete! You have evolved to Xanzer Newborn Level! You are currently on Level 1. Collect more Soma points to evolve!"

Kyle flexed his body. He felt stronger than before the evolution.