Big Stan's problem

The next day, the recruits had breakfast before training, which was unusual. The breakfast had meat in it.

"+1 soma points added to your tally! Current soma points is 29! Collect 100 soma points to evolve to Xanzer Newborn Level 2," Kyle's system announced in his head after he finished his meal.

The announcement reminded him that very soon he would be sent out to the bigger picture to hunt for resources that would help him evolve. He felt pumped because it was a known fact that a human being becomes immune to sickness when they evolve to the height of a Roman.

He was determined to work hard to achieve that.

He glanced and he saw Fred. Fred happened to look his way at that same moment. They waved at each other when their glances connected.

At 9:00 am that same day, the recruits were on the training track to continue the obstacle course training for the second day. The recruits were placed in batches. There were four batches, and each batch was given two hours to complete their obstacle course.

The training was over at 5:20 pm. Then the recruits had dinner, which marked the first time for some days that they had 2 meals in a day.

After dinner, the recruits returned to the bedroom section. There was still 2 hours before bedtime, and as usual, the recruits would sit in various discussion groups to recount their experiences for the day.

"Hey, has anyone seen Big Stan?" a recruit in one of the discussion groups voiced out.

There was chatter of "Nope," "I haven't seen him lately; where is he?" and "I wonder where he is at?" from the crowd.

No one bothered to search for him. The recruits continued with their discussion.

Kyle rushed to the locker section and grabbed his medication. Then, he headed to the toilet section. The Craziorra attack came again. Like yesterday, the sickness caused him to be mad horny. He would have gone crazy on a female recruit if it wasn't for self-control.

He ran into a toilet and closed the door. He had the urge to grab his pee, but he forced himself to take his medication. After three shots, he was ok.

He exhaled slowly in relief and said to himself, "One day, this nonsense will be over."

He was packing to leave when he heard someone in the adjacent toilet crying. He heard the person lament some words. He recognized the voice. It was Big Stan.

"Stan. Stan. Stan, is that you?" Kyle inquired.

Big Stan sniffled loudly. "Shit!" He cursed because he had just given away that he was crying.

Kyle smiled mischievously and asked, "Stan, why were you crying?"

"I wasn't crying."

"But you just sniffled. And I know you are not sick."

"I wasn't crying. I just had an allergy reaction that caused my nose to leak fluid. By the way, who am I talking to?"

"My identity is not important."

"Well, if you want to be an asshole, then mind your business!" Big Stan yelled angrily.

Kyle menacingly laughed.

Big Stan cursed at Kyle, "F**k you, asshole."

Kyle remembered that Big Stan was moody yesterday evening. He realized that he may have really acted like an asshole. He knew what it felt like when someone was suffering and the person wasn't sure of whom to trust to tell their problems.

Kyle said to Big Stan, "Stan, it's Kyle. I'm sorry that I acted like an ass."

He paused for a moment, but he didn't receive a reply from Stan.

"You were moody yesterday evening," Kyle continued. "I know how it feels when you don't know who to trust to share your problems with." I know how it feels to suffer alone."

Big Stan laughed and replied, "What the hell are you insinuating, bro. I'm as happy as a blooming rose."

"Most of th time, if we do not find solutions to our problems. Our problems would rot and become difficult to fix, and sometimes would cause more problems."

With that, Kyle swung open the toilet door to leave.

Big Stan stopped him from leaving, "Don't go."

Kyle went back into the toilet and closed the door.

Big Stan narrated to Kyle about his overall training performance. His performance ratings were very poor, and that was because he was overweight. He expressed that he had a strong desire to become a Roman. He wanted to prove to his family that he was fit to defend himself and them.

Those desires were born because his family taunted him about his size. Their words really hurt him.

Kyle had done some research on the positive effects of further evolution on human anatomy and physiology. There was a theory that proposed that an overweight person could be as efficient as a muscular person with the right exercise as the overweight person evolved.