The Roman got closer to the spell-binder, and he delivered a heavy punch on her face. The momentum from the punch blew her a few metres away backwards.

Thanks to the thin force barrier covering her body, the punch didn't inflict injuries on her. But, her pain receptors were kept busy. She also used mystic qi to fortify her body against internal bleeding, which would result from getting hit. Unfortunately, it didn't mean that her internal system would be as invincible as her shielded skin.

The Roman didn't give her rest. He hit her with punches and kicks. He hit her chest hard with his elbow, which made her cough out blood. Her thoughts became uncoordinated and she staggered away from the soldier.

He prowled up to the spell-binder. With his right hand, he pulled out a bladeless hilt from his back holster. He extended his right arm sideways with the hilt still in hand. At that instant, a one-metre long blade manifested from the hilt.