Attack on the N.S.S.S. black site

Elder Double-Yan sent a group of seven goons to Shenzhen to take the demands from Boss.

Boss selected two hundred men from his supply of more than a thousand goons. They were among the best of his goons, but they were not the very best.

"Do not allow yourselves to get captured. Kill yourself if you fall into that situation," the cartel lord instructed the two hundred goons.

Boss's goons boarded the ten space-warp vans Elder Double-Yan requested. They waited in the vans for the men from Yan to arrive.

Elder Double-Yan's goons arrived in a space-warp van. Elder Double-Yan only had one space-warp van in his garage. The van cost $15 million to purchase. The goons from the Yan clan checked for everything their master requested. Every demand was met. The Yan goons were satisfied.

Following the lead of Yan Van, Boss' goons hit the road. They headed south of the city.