KABOOM! The front door exploded. The door's self-destruct code was initiated.
Pew, pew, pew! The N.S.S.S. agents instantly began shooting the instant the door came off. The goons behind the Heaven Destroyer canons were gunned down.
The goons in the front group were instantly wiped out despite having force-shield armour on them. Most of the goons in the middle group also lost their lives. The rest had their coordination disheveled, and they tried to find cover. In the process, more of the goons in the middle group lost their lives.
Fortunately, the goons had 65% of their numbers in the back group. The back group returned fire on the agents.
The ten agents that were lined up at the entrance were each impaled by photon bullets.
An agent in the squad on the diagonal left pulled the pin off a grenade and threw it to the goons.
One of the goons yelled,
"Find cover!"