Kyle is delivered to the Wolf God's temple

Ten minutes later, one of the search parties found Kyle. He was in his human form when he was discovered under the foliage. The gang leader at the crash site was contacted. He instructed the search party to head into Yan Mountain City and deliver Kyle to Elder Double-Yan. The group severely sedated Kyle on the instruction of the gang leader, and then they headed to the city.

The gang leader intended to stall Agent White at the crash site. He feared that the Roman was more powerful than him and his men. The gang leader didn’t inform anyone else about Kyle being discovered.

After a while, it was 3:00 a.m., and the groups that the gang leader had sent away hadn’t returned. The goons at the crash site had wrapped up searching. A few corpses were retrieved, as well as some arms. Agent White was no longer comfortable being tied up and not knowing how to go about his mission. He asked the gang leader,

"Your boys are not back; is everything ok?"