Chapter 8: Bloon Moon

[Sniffing with tears swam her eyes] “Please help me,” The woman moved closer to Cyrus and Blang.

Blang asked Cyrus to take her child from her, which Cyrus did. They asked the woman what happened to her? She said some vampires attacked her and her husband.

“Where is your husband now?” Cyrus asked the woman.

“They killed him with no mercy, those people are evil, I have to save my child, please take care of him.” The stranger werewolf said with her voice shaking.

“But why did they attack you and your child's father?” Cyrus asked her again, but Blang tell Cyrus to stop asking her questions instead, they should help her take care of her wounds.

The stranger werewolf asked Blang and Cyrus not to worry, instead they should please look after her child. And her husband was killed because he left the vampires and marry her, who is a werewolf.

Blang and Cyrus look at each other, then Cyrus says, that means vampire blood and werewolf blood are running through the child's body? The stranger werewolf couldn't make another statement as she stopped breathing.

Cyrus and Blang felt so sad while Cyrus said it was better for the blood moon to come out the next day because the evil vampires will continue to hurt many people which might wipe out their kin in this world.

Cyrus takes Blang inside with the children, and he came out to dig and buried the stranger's werewolf body. The next morning all the vampires and werewolves were not happy in the cave because they all know that once everywhere is dark, the full moon will come out and many people we die.

They cook and feast for their loved ones, some dance, and they make good memories. While Alarick was inside his hut thinking, he says to himself that today might be his last day on earth because of his heart weakness.

While having these thoughts going through his head, three vampires appear before him with their speed movements. Alarick was shocked, and he asked how did they find him?

“You don't need to ask because it doesn't matter, since we are here. Or maybe I should guess, are you trying to betray us?” One of the vampires that appeared asked Alarick.

[stuttering]” N-o--oo, why will I do that.”? Alarick replied.

“Then tell us, where are Cyrus and Blang?” The person asked Alarick, he was the one who lead the two other vampires to Alarick.

“Please don't attack them again because they both have a baby now.”

The three vampires look at themselves and laugh. The one exchanging words with Alarick threaten him to tell him where those two are or else he will kill him, and it's going to be easy now that Alarick's heart is beating.

Alarick was so scared, and he asked those vampires to come with him. The four of them speed up like wind to Alarick's spot of view towards Cyrus and Blang's hut.

He showed them Cyrus and Blang hut, the one exchanging words with Alarick wanted to speed up to the hut, but Alarick hold him back.

“Hey! What are you doing? Why did you stop me?” He asked Alarick with an angry facial expression.

“You can't attack them now!” Alarick replied, and he forcefully removed his hand from Alarick.

“How dare you tell me what to do?!” The other vampires started glazing at Alarick with furious faces.

“I'm only trying to save you! Because you can't kill them now, the prophecy says both of them will die under the full moon. So let's wait until the full moon and attack.” Alarick says slowly and couldn't look at the vampire's face.

“Fine then! We will go and come back at night, make sure you don't leave this place, else I will look for you and give you a painful death!” Those vampires speed off after threatening Alarick.

“What have I done? Ahhhhhh!” Alarick screamed and regret telling those vampires about Cyrus and Blang he destroyed his hut with fire unknown.

Alarick closed any eyes while he was furious and when he opened them and look at his hut, the hut catch up with fire, which was also surprising to him because he never knew he has such power.

Alarick then went into the forest to look for fresh leaves to use as a small hut before the sun comes out. Alarick was inside the hut when he started thinking about what can he do to avert the death of Cyrus and Blang?

A thought came to his mind and he promised himself that if he survived tonight, he promised to save Cyrus and Blang with their baby and also their throne before the evil vampires will arrive at their place.


Cyrus clean up the stranger werewolf baby and also clean up his own baby body before Blang woke up. Blang was happy seeing Cyrus playing with those two kids, Cyrus asked Blang to join them, which she did.

Those kids were placed on the ground wrapped with fresh leaves. Blang and Cyrus' knee before them and smiling, while the stranger werewolf child was smiling and looking playful, but Cyrus and Blang child was just quiet with his handsome face.

Bang asked Cyrus which name will be given to both children? Cyrus said he also thought about it, but he thinks maybe the children should be named after the moon that appeared.

The day is getting dark and everywhere was cool, the sky is still becoming cloudy the sun has also set, but the day is still bright a bit. It's evening time.

Cyrus and Blang bring out the throne from their hut, Cyrus was holding their child while Blang was holding the stranger werewolf child. Cyrus went inside to sit for a while because he was very nervous about the coming moon, but Blang is still standing outside the hut looking at Northside where the moon will come from with the throne beside her.

Alarick came to his viewing spot, and he saw Blang holding a baby, he said in his mind; I will save you Blang and your baby also with the throne. Those evil vampires won't lay their hands on the throne, I'm going to make sure of that! This is my mess and I must clean it up. I still love you, Blang.

Alarick was about to turn back when he saw Cyrus coming out from their hut holding another baby, Alarick was shocked, and he said to himself how many babies does Cyrus and Blang have?

He recalls the first time he saw them with one child, and they're both were happy holding the child and smiling at him. Alarick said to himself that where did Cyrus and Blang see another child? Then he showed his face to them.

“Blang, Cyrus” Alarick called their names after speeding off in front of Blang and Cyrus.

Both of them look back at the same time, and they were surprised.

“What did you want, Alarick? I told you the last time that if you ever show your face to me again, I will kill you! Now tell me, did you have an extra death wish?” Cyrus says with anger filling his eyes.

“No Cyrus” Alarick replied softly.

“So, what did you want?.” Blang shouted at him.

“Where did you get the second child?” Alarick asked, and this question got Cyrus pissed as he wanted to attack him, but Blang shouted Cyrus's name to be careful with their child holding.

Alarick got to know that Cyrus is holding his baby with Blang in his hand, but doesn't know who owns the one Blang had on her. Then he speeds and runs off the area.

Cyrus says Alarick is getting too much on his nerves and when next he showed his face, he would make sure that Alarick won't leave here alive, no matter how fast he is.

Blang see how furious Cyrus was, and she tells him to calm down because getting pissed might just ruin his mood.

It was dark already when the moon started appearing slowly in the sky. Cyrus and Blang hold each other's hands and also hold the babies, both of them closed their eyes.

People in the cave were waiting for the moon and some of them were scared already, their hearts are breathing faster because nobody can say what will happen once the moon appeared.

Alarick left his hut and went to his viewing spot to watch Cyrus and Blang from far and also await for the moon to come out. It was a big surprise to all werewolves and vampires to see the moon coming out bloody and slowly.

Cyrus and Blang's eyes were closed because they closed because they would rather not be disappointed. Blang tells Cyrus that she will count from one to three and after calling three both of them can open their eyes.

Blang counted the numbers and their eyes were opened. It was a big surprise to see the moon coming out bloody with their throne turning into gold.

As the moon was coming out, both werewolves and vampires were receiving new powers, the reflection of the moon penetrated their bodies, and they felt stronger.

The werewolves and vampires started perceiving each other's smells, and Alarick's heart stopped breathing. All their eyes' colors changed, including the babies that Cyrus and Blang were holding.

The moon slowly went off the sky, and all the werewolves and vampires were happy. Cyrus and Blang's heart was filled with joy; both were also confused about how their throne turned to gold with the crown.

Cyrus moved closer to the throne and placed his child on it, he asked Blang to move closer, then raised his hands and faced the sky.

“Let it be known today! Cyrus Santos says to you all the stars, moon, and the sky. The trees, wind, bird, animals, humans, vampires, werewolves, waters and all the crimping things or any other things in this world that my Son Luningning Santos! Will be the king of Vampires and werewolves until he has another descendant and passes his throne on! If another werewolf or vampire sat on the throne with the mind of becoming the king, he or she would die instantly.”

Cyrus shouted into the air and a heavy wind blew, the throne shining brighter with the crown. While those moons and stars that were used as a design on it bring out a shining light of gold.

Blang was happy with Cyrus as they both held each other's hands and Alarick was looking and hearing them from afar. Alarick feels so happy with the new powers he possesses from the moon.