The door closed shut behind him as he faced the big library that stood before him, it was not like any library he had ever seen before, hell not even King Matthews's library was this big.
But the library was not dominated by books, it was scrolls packed on top of each other and shelves that stretched in rows to the far back of the room, they even reached the roof sides all around. They all seemed old but they were dusted and showed not a single proof of dust on them clearly someone is doing their job in here, then it hit him, how on earth was he going to find the commandment in all that junk.
"That does it, Kristen should have been the one to help" Did he just mention that Wench's name in spite to help her? God! He bearly even knew the Red haired creeper. Evans walked around the shelves checking the year dates and events of the scrolls that were written in small gold title at the edge of each shelve.
"I'm never going to find it in here, this place is like a damn maze" Evans whispered angrily his teeth clenched together in annoyance.
"May I assist you sir?" A voice appeared out of nowhere startling Evans who quickly turned around to see a man standing there, probably in his forties with his hands behind his back, his face had a serious expression and from the looks of what he was wearing he must be a librarian or keeper, wait, a keeper!.
"Uh yes actually, I am doing a research and I would like to know where the scrolls containing the tales of the cold ones(vampires)" Evans tried to be as kind as he could be which was something impossible for someone like him, he would have chosen to beat the truth out of him but that would cause more trouble which was what Skyler would not want, Evans thought watching the man study him in a serious expression then he nodded gesturing to his left at the far end of the room there was a wooden door there.
"We keep those scrolls in a separate chamber, Tis' important that we keep our human history far from our not so human history" The man spoke walking towards the room, Evans followed curiously as the man unlocked the lock on the large chains holding the door, so convenient Evans thought as the an pushed the door open.
There was nothing at all in the room except one, a large concrete pole held a scroll in place, the scroll was already open and very large with golden handles with a symbol on them.
"There's only one scroll?" Evans asked in disbelief, this would not take long at all he thought.
"Yes, this scroll has all the history of the cold ones and so much more" The man spoke, in an elderly tone that made Evans realize what was coming next, a tall tale.
"This scroll has something special within it and-" Evans interrupted.
"I apologize for the disturbance but I need the scroll, I will bring it back you have my word" Evans smiled gesturing to the scroll.
The man looked at him in disbelief as if Evans had put a knife on his neck and asked the impossible. "I am afraid not, young man. It is a must for it to stay within these walls or else-" His voice trailed off as he shaked his head as if demons had chocked him or stop him from saying the rest of his words but Evans already knew what they were.
"Do not act oblivious old man, you have heard the tales of how they made nothing of sinope palace, do you really think that they will not change their direction to here? Huh?" Evan asked in an impatient but low tone.
"Tolido is well guarded than sinope and we both know that, we have been victorious on many vampire wars before" The old man replied his face was hard to study and he seemed not bothered of Evans request knowing that he would not get it.
"And how did you win by the way? Is because of the scroll? Or is it because you were fighting side by side with them?" Evans moved closer to the old man, his voice threatening as he whispered. "I know of your little secret"
The old man flinched and stared at Evans face and found his face in anger and impatience.
"I do not know of what you speak of, we are not accustomed to such" The man quickly looked away but Evans grabbed him by his cloak and lifted him up bringing him close to his face, the old man's legs were swinging in the air as he gasped for air.
"Listen here you! Do not make me loose my temper, fold the scroll and bag it! I am taking it with me" Evans spoke between his teeth holding his temper.
"You not know of the power of the scroll, Tis' danger to let it out of Tolido, I beg of you please!" The man pleaded trying to break free from Evans grip, he kept shaking his head in disapproval of Evans request.
"The dangers you speak of have already began, so spare me the charade and" Evans spoke dropping the old man to fall on the concrete floor.
The man did as he was told and took the scroll, tied it with a with a small lace, the scroll was heavy and so Evans had to help place it into the brown bag then tied it.
"Now listen here old man, you are going to take this to the horses out back and I will meet you there with a friend of mine, dare I find you not there I will hunt you down and carve your head into a sculpture got it?" Evans threatened and the man nodded.
Evans returned back to the dining hall not realizing how long he was gone but he heard laughter as he walked in which was a good sign that Kristen was doing as he had requested, they all looked at him as he walked to sit down next to Kristen and gave her a nod to say it was done and she seemed to nod with her eyes and smile.
"Well you have been gone for quiet some time, did you get lost?" King Chelsea laughed teasingly raising his glass of wine at Evans.
"Sort of but I managed, I was just around the library, I must say it is very big my lord" Evans smiled back sipping the wine.
"Oh we have too much history ourselves there is notuch space anymore" Chelsa shakes his head.
"I am sorry to disturb your conversation but I think it is time we left my lords, Evans still needs his rest" Kristen disturbed looking at Evans shyly and back at king chelsa.
"Oh of course! The reason we had you here was just for Matthews to know of sinope's attack" Chelsa patted King Matthews apologetically.
"Of course, I know you and I will never see eye to eye but I do thank you for your hand in that attack. I have only one request that has been bothering me too long since I left" Matthews stood up.
Evans sighed slowly, he did not want to be here any longer than Kristen did.
"Please find my daughter Iris, Lilith had sent here somewhere in Corbin lands and I assume that is where you are headed next?"
"Very well Matthews, but after that I do not wish to be at your dept or any other way around" Evans replied, his tone as clear as ever. They all shaked hands and bid their farewells as Evans and Kristen were escorted to their horses where they met with the old man holding the bag.
"Ah! you did not run away, all the more easier" Evans chuckled patting the old mans shoulder.
"I still value my life young man" The old man spoke eyeing Kristen in awareness of who she was and Kristen realized back of who the old man was too.
"We should hurry Evans, they might notice the scroll's absence" Kristen said already on the horses back looking down at the old man.
"You're certainly right" Evans replied, he placed a small bag of gold coins on the man's palm and jumped on his horse holding the bag with the scroll, he flinched slightly from his wound but ignored it. They both rode away waving at the old man who turned away shaking his head in disapproval.
"We are doomed" The old man spoke to himself.