real dream

Daisy still hugged herself tightly. Her depression was getting worse. Something inside her made her cry and for some reason, it wasn't the image of Nick that made her cry. It was the image of Emidio. He left her in here without sympathy. She didn't understand why he acted so bad towards her. What wrong did she do?

" I don't deserve this". Daisy said with more tears in her eyes. She was sure that the time had passed midnight . Those wolves were probably asleep . Her family must be really missing her. She wanted so much revenge on that idiot Nick. She wouldn't mind if he died. How dare him waste her time and make her sad about it. No !!! She was never supposed to fell bad about that. She should have just killed that bastard . Daisy's breath began to increase in pace by every thought that she had. She fell to the ground , holding her chest . It felt like death. She could see death sweeping her away. Her eyes shut slightly as suddenly, a bright blue light filled the place. She was just so cold at the moment . The light seemed to be dropping snow on her. What the hell was this?. Even in her collapsing state, she still was cheeky . The fallen snow began to rise up and come together. It was fascinating but she didn't know what was happening. The whitish blue cold moved and began surrounding her on the floor. What she didn't realize was that a portal had been opened right beneath her. She fell right through it and landed on a bed . Her land was so light like a feather that no one knew something had landed. Daisy went out cold. Her eyes had shut . She didn't know whether she was sleeping or in a coma but throughout the night, she felt comfort and warm. Whatever that snow thing did, it made her feel happiness. She didn't know the source but she loved it.

The next morning came by quick. Daisy shifted all over the bed and yawned. She stood upright while sitting before rubbing her eyes and opening it.

" Ahhhh". She shouted with every speaker in her voice box. Waking up to see such a scene was just so scary. Just in front of her was Emidio and he had a deep frown on his face.

" You". Daisy said with shock.

" Me or you!". Emidio replied with a much more deeper frown. Uh he didn't want to think about the dream he had. He thought it was just a dream until he woke up and saw her beside him. He felt her body throughout . Everything felt real in the dream and he knew he had touched her so much while in sleep. He could still feel the softness of her breast . Her body was so soft even with the wretched way she looked. Daisy also froze in her own timeline as she tried remembering the warmth she felt. She remembered the light and snow. She also knew that her body felt so good while sleeping. Her eyes widened at the realization of the exact kind of feel it was. She looked at Emidio and then at his hands which touched her. She couldn't deny that her body wanted more of it but no. She already said she was not going to associate with someone handsome.

" Go and take your shower". Emidio's voice brought her out of her thought. Ones again she was surprised. Wasn't he the same person who kept her in that cage.

" I said go and take your shower. The bathroom is over there". Emidio said out loud. She got down from the bed and rushed into the bathroom like a cat. Emidio just took in deep breath and looked down between his legs. Even with the mud on her face, he still had the urge to kiss her. She herself said she wanted him to touch her again. He could hear her thoughts which he hated very much. He felt like he was abusing her thought but yet again, he couldn't stop it.

Inside the shower, Daisy kept on admiring the place. It was just so grand and luxurious. How could one man enjoy such luxury.

" I said shower!!". Emidio shouted from outside and left the room. Could he hear her thoughts?, she wondered to herself and switched on the shower. The dirt that came off her body made her scared. No wonder Emidio called her wretched. She couldn't believe he was able to sleep with her with such scent. He even cuddled her. Looks like he might go insane when she's totally neat. He called her his mate. The last thing she needs is a new lover. All she wanted was to make Nick pay dearly. She was willing to do anything if only Nick would be thought a lesson. An idea popped up in her head as she smiled in a sinister way.