it almost happened

Daisy grabbed him so tightly like her life depended on it.

"Emidio. Emidio, Emidio" She kept repeating his name while crying more. The more she cried, the more he wrapped his alms around her and the more her body pressed against him. He considered himself as the most resisting man alive. Daisy, have you seen her body! Emidio wondered and closed his eyes.

"Everything will be fine. Don't cry". Emidio finally opened his mouth and spoke so gently. Daisy nodded her head like a child and looked up into his now opened eyes that sparkled.

"He doesn't deserve me". Daisy said to Emidio. She was speaking about Nick and he knew. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Not at all" Emidio said to her as they both kept staring deep into each others eyes. It was going too deep. They were both drowning within their gazes. They needed help. They wanted someone to pull them out of this trance but the more they wished for it not to happen, the more it sunk them deeper.

Emidio swallowed hard as his adam apple reacted to Daisy's body over and over again. He didn't want to do something she didn't want. His hands were folded into a fist else it would definitely disrespect him and fondle all of her body. His brows ached deeply as he gnashed his teeth unable to pull himself together.

"it's ok. You can touch me". Daisy's beautiful voice rang so melodiously into his ear and by the time he knew, his hands hand quickly pulled her so close for their breath to sync.

"Do you not know what you do to me. Touch you? Are you teasing me or you are being serious!" Emidio wanted to confirm himself. He knew she had no single interest in him although she found him attractive. Daisy shook her head and boldly closed the gap between them by kissing him herself. Emidio moaned and kissed her back deeply. Too sweet. My goodness too sweet. He thought to himself and kissed her more and more. Just his touch got her moaning as she continued to surprise him with brave steps. Daisy's hands were on his shirt and she was trying to unbutton them. The Alpha however had enormous strength. He was a king who had maximum power and riches. A little shirt being ripped was not going to affect him. He seized kissing her and just by grabbing both ends of his shirt, his buttons gracefully got thorn open, revealing a perfect body unseen by anyone. Daisy's eyes went from north to south and her lips kept shaking. This man called Emidio, he was so perfect. At that instance she wanted to just be his. His kisses, his touch and his moan, oh it made her to feel a lot of emotions.

Daisy grabbed him extremely tightly like her life depended on it. Daisy dragged them both down to lay down on the bed as Emidio kissed her deeply. He held her small waist and kept pulling her closer, wanting to taste every inch of her sweet lips. Daisy's legs slid along his in pace of their kiss. How could one man make her feel this way. She wanted him to devour all of her. Emidio shivered and loudly growled along with a moan. Her thoughts had penetrated so deep to cause his blood to rush faster into places .

Their breath were heavy as Daisy once again acted bolder. She held Emidio's pants , trying to take it off. He seized kissing her immediately and stared into her eyes deeply. She stared back and bit her lips while closing her own eyes and letting go of his pants. It wasn't because she wanted to let go but because her heart beat increased as soon as she saw his gaze. It looked so pure and seductive. How can he be this tempting and still have such beautiful glassy blue eyes. It was like that of a baby; so innocent and warm. Daisy's folded her knuckles because she had snapped out from her silliness. She almost gave him her virginity because of this mating thing. Emidio just kept staring at her while hearing every single thought of hers with her eyes closed. He smiled even though it wasn't a happy smile; he was just glad that he didn't do what he was just about to do to someone he wanted to reject. His withdrawal from her body made Daisy to open her eyes . He was too gorgeous to look at and as a result of that, she tilted her head.

"Lunatic" Emidio said with a soft voice. This time she didn't fight. She rather tilted her head slowly to watch him . Her breath had seized as she grabbed the bedsheet. She knew she wanted him above her right now but she was scared of being alone afterwards. Besides, he wanted to reject her. This was all going to be over after he gets what he wants. A tear dropped from her eyes as she quickly wiped it while being embarrassed.

"No touching just hugging". Emidio's whisper was suddenly heard beside her as he wrapped his alms around her and kissed her forehead to calm her down. He knew he was harsh with her in the beginning. He knew she was traumatized when she arrived in his kingdom and that is why her weep had affected him so much that he rushed out to save her from his people. This was why he wanted to reject her quickly. She affected him too much. Her tears caused him deep pain and yet he always pretended like he was fine. How did an Alpha like him end up being inwardly attached this way. Oh Daisy you are a dangerous being: Emidio thought to himself and closed his eye.