Revenge 2

Emidio couldn’t deny that he wasn’t disappointed. If this was the most handsome male in their town, then these people were extremely unfortunate. He pulled Daisy so close to him and slightly kissed her lips for everyone to see. It was a shocking sight for them all, including Mrs Seers. She was shocked by how Daisy reacted by the handsome god kiss. She saw how her daughter craved for more. It was written all over Daisy’s face.

“That was too short Emidio” Daisy angrily whispered to Emidio as they continued walking. She wanted more and she knew he wanted more too. They have always wanted more of each other and it wasn’t something unknown to them.

“I know but listening to my body will make the public grounds of your town an erotic spot” Emidio whispered back to her. They both were busy whispering to themselves to the extent that, they forgot Mrs Seers was close enough to hear them talk about their ultimate desire for each other.