Behind the fucking Bars

While relaxing on the sofa, Daisy's phone suddenly rang. She looked at the screen with shock. She didn't remember the last time she actually used it to make call . After she reached the wolf kingdom, she lost everything for a long time before Emidio even brought her to her car. Her phone had been off . She only decided to switch it on today for no reason. Daisy took in a deep breath and picked it up.

"Hello" Daisy boldly said. She didn't want it to be someone who planned on intimidating her.

"How could you be this wicked" A voice angrily stated from the other end of the phone. Daisy rose to her feet in shock after hearing it. She opened her mouth to say something but her words were invisible.

"Daisy" The voice said again.

"Where are you?" Daisy whispered as tears dropped on her cheeks.

"Where are you?" Daisy's hurting voice said as her hands shivered.