What happened to you?

Savana paused talking and stared at Emidio. She was comfortable speaking to Pedro but she wasn't used to speaking with Emidio. She stared at him as he also stared back at her. He instantly cleared his throat.

"Are you here for Daisy?" Emidio broke the silence and asked her. She silently nodded at him while playing with her fingers. The man Infront her was giving her certain feels which she wasn't supposed to feel. He was so enchanting. His blue eyes were captivating, his jaw and gaze were addictive to any female. Daisy really went for only handsome guys damn .

"She's in her room" Emidio replied and raised his hands . A maid rushed to him and bowed much more lower than they did when greeting Savana.

" Take her to Daisy" Emidio commanded.