She's Fucking hilarious

"I miss you..I missed you so much" Daisy tearfully said as Emidio tightened his grip on her. He didn't want her to break down.

"I missed you too. I love you so much" Emidio responded and pecked her head. Both of them had forgotten that they where in the middle of so many people. Everyone stared with awe as their alpha held a lady with so much love in his reaction. They were happy for him.

"He finally accepted a mate" A strange lady who held a baby said with a smile. A man man came behind her and held her waist. He smiled at how she smiled at Emidio and Daisy. After all, she was once the Alpha's mate. After he rejected her, she found love in him and now they had a beautiful family.

"Why did you leave me worried? Why didn't you call me?" Daisy complained as her tears still fell down.

Emidio sighed and placed her down. He wanted to look into her eyes well and speak with her.