I love you more than I imagined

The brightness of moon was unusually high and beautiful as Daisy rested on Emidio. She was exhausted by their activity. They both laid naked on the grass beside the river.

"Hey baby" Daisy gently raised her head and adjusted it well enough to look into Emidio's eyes.

"What happened?" Emidio stared into her curious eyes. It was as if she was worried about something. What could possibly get her so worried.

"I just witness a wolf anger run. The way everyone had turned into a wolf, the way the were all over the palace. When I came out, I was scared and relief to have escape it but then I saw more outside. And then I saw you, I wasn't scared because it was you however I'm curious as to what led to such a situation?" Daisy asked Emidio.

He raised his brows and smiled. She could tell the anger behind it but she ignored it because she wanted an answer. Whatever it was, it really affected him for him to go extreme and transform fully.