
Daisy couldn't sleep throughout the night. He said Lavana was his mate? So this meant that she was aiming at harming her? And if she was a witch, was she the one who made her unconscious and tried chasing her in the dream.

Now that she was coming to think about it, their voices were very similar.

Daisy wasn't sad that Lavana was dead. She actually didn't care about that later. All that rushed through her head was the fact that Emidio previous mate came back into his life. She was one out of seven Lavana was also one out of seven. There were five more ladies whom she wished to see.

"What are you thinking about?" Emidio whispered in her ears with a sleepy voice. He was aware that she was tensed but he had no idea about what was running in her head.

What did Lavana do? Or did this relate to their mating bond? Did something happen without him realizing it.