Silver Eye

"Daisy hunny what is the matter?" Fear gripped Mrs Seers as she embraced her little girl firmly. Daisy continued to sob as suddenly, sounds of laughter erupted from within her.

It was the sound of happiness. She was more than excited to be in love with Emidio. Mrs Seers was now confused. She thought that Daisy was pranking her and broke the hug with a raised brow until she saw Daisys' face well .

No, this wasn't a prank. Her daughter was crying for real. Mrs Seers realized it and used her hands to gently calm Daisy down by rubbing her shoulders.

"Tell me, what's making you this happy?" Mrs Seers asked her daughter with deep curiosity. Daisy paused laughing and looked at her mother before remembering that she was supposed to be angry at the woman.

She wasn't supposed to smile yet after her mom embarrassed her Infront of that annoying Pedro. Daisy had forgotten to tell Emidio to punish him.