To be gone for a week

Daisy coughed and was given water to drink. She smiled at Emidio and stood up.

"I'm heading out . Relax and enjoy your meal sweetie" Daisy bent down and kissed his lips gently before walking out. She chuckled as she realized that she had pepper in her mouth before kissing him. Her inner self was on fire as she tried to breath in from her mouth to die down the torture.

She headed to their chamber and sat down on the bed.


Meanwhile at the dinning chamber, Mrs Seers glared deeply at Blake until he stood up and went. He gave up trying to stay there. It was obvious that the woman wanted him out of there. As soon as Blake stepped out, her gaze shifted to Emidio as a smirk formed across her lips.

Emidio was clueless but her expression surely looked suspicious.