The Ancient divine celestial beast, the white tiger clan

Ye Rushang walked back to her courtyard when she saw a blurry figure, flashed past the room. It did it a few more times till it was knocked off balance by Ye Rushang.

The blurry figure finally revealed itself, it was a white fluffy tiger, with big brown eyes it looked like it had been offended.

"Is this how you treat your fated beast. How cruel! I was merely getting use to the new environment and you knocked me mercilessly..."

The white tiger said with big drops of tears forming in its eyes, looking like it had been wronged. Ye rushang eyed the spirit beast closely, it was an infant, it was barely three months old.

But fated beast!

Ye rushang never received a fated beast, to get a fated beast one must be accepted by the heavens and for two hundred years, she did not receive one.

"What are you..."

The little tiger raised its head up high, it's eyes full of pride. He was the great prince of the white tiger white, why didn't she know it was a disgrace to him to have a dumb owner.

"I am an ancient divine celestial beast, from the white tiger clan..."

Ancient divine celestial beast!!

what was she hearing, was it because the heavens never gifted her a fated beast and decided to give her such a powerful one.

"I thought ancient divine beast were extinct, I never expected to be fated to one. You must conceal your aura, others will come for you when they find out you are a ancient divine celestial beast..."

She couldn’t handle people going after her presently.

The little tiger nodded and stretched its body, looking tired. When he found Ye Rushang's scent it had taken him a quite some time to find her.

"How old are you..."

If this tiger was old enough then it will be for her advantage.

"I should be three hundred years."

The little tiger did not really know it's age, feeling lethargic after all the ruckus cause, it jumped on the bed.

Ye Rushang's lips twitched as she picked it up and threw it on the ground. It just got here and thought her bed was it's resting place. It would stay in the ground for a while.

"You sleep on the ground."

The little tiger roared with rage, it was a ancient divine celestial beast how could it sleep on the ground.

Ye rushang ignored the little tiger and sat on the bed cross-legged, as she closed her eyes accessing her body. Her meridians seemed like it was blocked.

"It seems like someone doesn't like you, in this your Ye family. Otherwise they wouldn't have poisoned your meridians.."

The little tiger spoke after accessing her body, even Ye rushang seemed to guess it too

"And the person probably thought I was too lazy to notice, it's a meridian destroying poison, it's should be a yellow grade poison.."

Ye rushang thought to herself, you needed two things to remove the poison completely, eternal frost and Sichuan Flamin pill. She had just one Sichuan Flamin pill and would need to buy more later, but not eternal frost.

And the only place you can find eternal frost from is Yuxun sect, there was a special mountain covered in eternal frost , it could boost ones cultivation more than two realms, but it was an extremely dire process.

"Seems that I will have to wait till I get to yuxun sect, to get the eternal frost. I can only use my spiritual Qi to suppress it."

Ye rushang finally knew the reason for her slow cultivation in her past life, it was probably this poison which she discovered a little to late.

"Little white let's go for a stroll, I haven't been to jade city in years."

Little white growled, what did she just call him, little white! It was the prince of all beast how could it be called such a degrading name.

"F*ck you don't call me little white..."

Ye rushang almost felt like skinning this little tiger, at such a young age it already had a big mouth for cursing.

"I named by your color, you do know you are white right..."

Maybe the little tiger is colorblind or retarded Ye Rushang thought, walking out of the manor. The two guards at the gate opened slightly, chanting the usual.

"Greetings eldest young Miss...."

Ye Rushang nodded, and continued walking a lot had happened in Jade city since her departure.

Jade city was a small down town in Southern Jing country, it was least populated so it resources was just enough to take care of it people in it.

Ye Rushang remembered the last time she was in Jade city, it was the day she set off to Yuxun sect, the people happily sent her away like the trash she was.

But not anymore Ye Rushang smiled lowly, that weak, stupid and lazy girl had died, now no one was ever going to take advantage of her.

Not in this new life.

She stroked little white softly, as she strolled with long strides into jade pavilion.

Everyone knew Ye Rushang as a lazy and dumb cultivator, who had resources but did not use them. Sometimes she was simply too lazy to breathe.

How pathetic!!

"Hello I was wondering if you have any Sichuan Flamin pill..."Ye rushang asked the tall young man on blue.

"We do..can you afford it, one hundred spirit coin par pill."

The tall man answered nonchalantly, One hundred spirit coin was pretty expensive, but not for Ye Rushang.

Being a lazy cultivator had its benefits, Ye Rushang had about two million spirit coin unused, and she could even asked her father for more.

"Alright give me ten Sichuan Flamin pill..."

The tall man looked at Ye Rushang with mockery, ten Sichuan either she was some princess or she was very dumb.

"Can you even afford one pill not less of ten, go home little girl this is a place for business..."

Ye rushang half smiled and looked at the tall man. Money wasn't something she lacked right now.

"I have the money..." Saying that ye rushang opened her space ring out brought out one thousand spirit coins.

Spirit coins rained down as the tall man looked flabbergasted seeing spirit coins rain down.

"Can I have my Sichuan Flamin pill now..."

Ye rushang sounded very impatient but who could blame her, she was the Ye family young missy and no one wanted to offend her.

The tall man came out with a awkward smile holding a bottle containing ten fiery pills.

"Sorry about earlier young lady Ye, I misunderstood you..."

Ye rushang took her Flamin Sichuan pill and left not caring about the tall man, she hugged the white tiger who growled in return.

"Little tiger don't you like your name, don't worry when you are older I will call you great white."

The little tiger looked at Ye Rushang it's eyes filled with doubt, great white now that sounded so much better.

"I don't trust you, you may be lying..."

This girl somehow knew how to twist his words. Making him say what he did not want to say.

"So you're saying I'm a liar, when did I lie to you..."

The little tiger sneered at her words, but gave up in the end.

"Little white what realm are you in..."

She could not sense the little tiger's aura so she had to ask.

“Rank 7, I just need more time to break into a new realm...."

Rank 7 this little tiger was actually a Rank 7 divine beast,It could kill her with just its paw.

And what did it say they were other realms higher than heavenly god

"Tell me the other realms..."

This little tiger had lived for years, so it knew almost everything that had happen.

"Oh there is heavenly emperor, divine lord realm, great dao realm and spiritual abode realm.."

"I'm not sure people from great dao realm actually exist again..."

Spiritual abode realm was the

highest and even gods could not reach that realm.

Ye rushang sighed, it just keeps coming and coming. So many powerful stages.

"But you won't see any of them in this first earth, the spiritual Qi here is too thin, the second and third earth you may likely see them there."

In her past life Ye rushang had entered second earth but only for a few days, not less the third, they say if one were to cultivate in third earth, just two breaths and you will break through two realms.

"what about your parents, what realms were they on..."

The little tiger missed it parents dearly, but he could not meet them if he was not strong enough.

"My father should be at heavenly emperor or divine lord, and my mom maybe heavenly emperor."

The were already so powerful and that was , five hundred years ago, They must have reached Spiritual abode realm already.

Ye Rushang had the urge to become even powerful.

"Little white do you know any place with strong spiritual Qi, or can you feel the spiritual Qi around..."