Unwilling to bend

Ye Rushang walked towards Ye Xianchen courtyard, she saw her father watering the flowers, his courtyard had rich spiritual Qi and a serene air.

"Father I've come to bid you goodbye..."

Ye xianchen stopped watering the plants and turned to look at Ye Rushang with a smile.

"Ah my darling daughter, it's as if you've grown up these few days...aren't you just fifteen. Too young to be on your own.."

Ye Rushang nodded but if she wanted to save her father, she had to become stronger, even if it was just for two years.

"Ru'er has to go but Ru'er will come back for father and take father to a better place.."

Ye xianchen nodded and brought out a golden brocade box, the box emitted faint spiritual aura.

"Your mother said I should give it to you, when you're ready and I believe today is that day.."

Ye Rushang looked at the brocade box with teary eyes, if she wasn't so stupid in the earlier part of her life, she wouldn't have died so soon.

Inside the box was a cyan colored stone, a heavenly master spirit pinball, and a purple colored flower.

"I don't know why she kept these items, but she kept them especially for you even before you were born..."

Ye Rushang was shock, did she know that something was going to happen to her.

"Father I will make you proud..just give me two years.."

Ye Xianchen smiled softly, “My family’s Ru'er has always made me proud. Now go or you'll be late.."

Ye Rushang nodded and went back to her courtyard, Jia Li and the others were all waiting for her.

Little white transformed back into a tiger while Ye Rushang placed Big red and little blue back in the space, leaving only Bai Junfeng..

They entered the white carriage, it was only her father and uncle and some other people who actually liked her that came to see her off.

Ye Rushang waved at her father, today would be the last day she would see him.

"Master...there's a strong energy not too far from here.."

Ye Rushang cultivation was still weak, but her sense had heightened so she could feel that there was danger up ahead.

"I sense it too... nobody go outside..."

Ye Rushang spoke slowly... Jia Li and Bai Junfeng we're got sitted opposite her.

Bai Junfeng smiled slightly...how could he not know the dangerous aura he was sensing..it could only be his master reincarnation.

Feng Haoran smiled slightly looking at the people before him, the city council and official all laid on the ground quietly...

"This Jade city is really something else..."

At that time Ye Rushang carriage was passing, so her and Feng Haoran made her contact...


Feng Haoran was a bit stunned..so they were women this beautiful in jade city, her bright eyes reminded him of that portrait lady he found in one of those treasure pavilion, he explored.

"Do you know who is his..."

Ye Rushang in both lives has never seen a man as handsome as this, he was simply too beautiful.

"His highness prince Jin..."

Bai Junfeng answered...this young man was already a heavenly master..soon he would venture into those other lost realms..

"Prince Jin!!!..."

The prince Jin in her past life was a heavenly figure...some said he was already a expert in an unknown realm.

Feng Haoran smiled slightly.. “This little foolish girl didn't even know his name..."

The carriage stopped moving...after Feng Haoran unleashed his heavenly master aura..

"Why did we stop..."

Ye Rushang wanted to tell herself that she did not feel that powerful aura.

"Because this king wanted you to stop...come out.."

Before Ye Rushang could say "o" she had already appeared at Feng Haoran side.

"Your highness..."

Ye Rushang bowed slightly..it was better not to offend someone like him...

"A pretty lady like you...gossiping about this king is not good..."

Ye Rushang choked as her lips twitched, he was petty too. When did she gossip about him.

"Your highness you must be mistaken...this lady did not know his highness was his highness, so all she did was ask who you were.."

When Speaking Ye Rushang did not cower in fear foolishly, and looked up at Feng Haoran.

Feng Haoran smile became even wider.."And does this lady know this king's name now..."

Ye Rushang nodded and choose her words carefully..."They told me that you are prince Jin.."

Feng Haoran nodded...this little lady was very peculiar, she was the only one who answered his questions looking straight into his eyes.

She wasn't a bit fearful about his presence considering that she was just at True warrior realm.

"Could this lady tell this king her name..."

Due to Feng Haoran aura Ye rushang was already sweating buckets...was he playing with her because he knew her cultivation was low..

"This lady is insignificant..."

Everyone took a moment of silence for Ye Rushang, they thought she was dumb but this broke the record. Prince Jin would definitely kill her now.

"You don't want to tell this kind your name..."

Feng Haoran unleashed his full aura...the weak ones immediately fainted while the other stronger felt a huge pressure on their backs...making them go on those knees.

Ye Rushang bit her lips in pain...she was struggling not to kneel, she did not want to yield to any man especially this petty prince..

Everyone nearly spat out blood, they were already on the ground..yet a true warrior expert was still stand..

"Still not going to tell his king your name..."

The closer Feng Haoran got the more pressure it added..

"It's..Ye...Rushang ...."

The heavy pressure disappeared as soon as she heard the last letter.

"That wasn't so hard now was it...here.."

Feng Haoran placed a spirit replenishing pill in her mouth and stood up.

"If his highness would be merciful, this lady has matters to attend and is already late.."

Feng Haoran smiled and nodded, muttering the words "truly peculiar.."