Inner Library

You could only enter with one maidservant, so Ye Rushang placed Bai Junfeng back in her space, and left with Jia Li.

“There will be classes once every month, so you’ll have more time to prepare for the life and death between you and Yang Chu. Be careful Yang Jiangyu, is ranked third in the purple mountain for a reason.”

Elder Huang warned as he stopped at the entrance, briefly chatting with another attendant before turning back to Ye Rushang.

“This is where I stop, if you need any help you can contact me with this voice transmission stone.”

Ye Rushang nodded and happily collected the transmission stone.

“Ye Bai will not forget Elder Huang’s kindness...”

Elder Huang smiled his wrinkles raising slightly.

Ye Rushang entered the mountain, she choose the courtyard close to eternal frost. The place was quite and lifeless, it was too cold for even seventh rank Yang lord.

“Why did you choose such a cold place to live in...”

Jia Li shivered slightly, even as a demon it was still chilly for her.

“It’s not that cold, here wear this..”

Ye Rushang tossed Jia Li a fur coat, as she strolled into the courtyard.

It was big and spacious, with flowers surrounding it,the spiritual Qi here was more concentrated than any where else in the mountain.

What anyone did know was that this courtyard was the best courtyard in the mountain, despite the cold it was the best place for cultivation.

“You can pick a room for yourself and clean up the place a bit.”

Ye Rushang walked inside the courtyard and went to the master bedroom.

It was spacious, with a comfortable bed and large walking areas, there were some couches in the middle of the room, and the color was just the way Ye Rushang liked it, brown and woody.

She brought Bai Junfeng out of her space and also little white.

“Do you guys know how I cultivate my Phoenix bloodline...”

Little white shook his head and jumped on the bed, taking a comfortable sleeping position.

“The nine Phoenix Manual...”

The nine Phoenix Manuel where was she going to see a lost book, finding a needle in a hay stack was easier compared to looking for this Manual.

The Phoenix were extremely introverted, and one would only see them in a blue moon, not less see their property or even a manual.

“Doesn’t this place have a library, if you luck is good you may stumble into it....”

Ye Rushang had been to the inner mountain library once, one could say it had precious documents and techniques there.

Ye Rushang nodded and draped on a red fur coat, as she walked out of the courtyard.

There weren’t many people in this region, as Ye Rushang walked slowly, it seemed like everywhere was her personal garden.

“You stop there...”

A lanky teen in his youth with a stoic expression shouted as he walked up to Ye Rushang followed with three other youth.

“Do I know you....”

Ye Rushang smiled, this was the calm before the storm, she looked at the group with a faint light in her eyes. Was she supposed to be afraid of them, the leader was so thin that she was afraid her breath would blow him away.

“Shut don’t need to know how I am, but let me tell you something I’m the boss of this mountain, so that means you should be respectful to me...”

Ye Rushang chuckled, he reminded her of the dead trees in the dessert.

“Oh that why you’re so skinny, being the boss of a mountain is a big job.”

The two followers sniggered, no one dare to call Yi Shengli this, except this young master.

“Shut up...I’ll spare your life, but you’ll have to clean my boots with every step i take...”

Ye Rushang chuckled, her red coat swaying from time to time, she really admire this skinny man’s character, looking for trouble at death’s door.

“Did you slim fit your brains too...”


One of the followers choked, spilling all the water in his mouth directly on Yi Shengli.

This young master was too ruthless, every word he said was like a sharp knife stabbing one’s heart.

Yi shengli shot a deadly glare him as he humped.

“Watch you mouth, or I might have to shut it for you...”

Yi Shengli frowned, no one had humiliated him the way this Ye Bai did, this little incident he would not forget.

“Let’s go....”

Yi Shengli left quickly, the two followers sniggering besides him, they couldn’t wait to tell this to there friends.

“Did you slim fit your brains too..”

The more they thought about it the funnier it became.

Ye Rushang walked into the library, the doors closed and dusty. Indicating that there had been no one here in a while.


The door sounded like broken bones when being pushed.


The library was gigantic, with several rows of scrolls, manuals and books.

Ye Rushang collected some books about the upper realms, there weren’t many as only few had been able to ascend to the upper realm, there were even fewer books.

She walked around hoping to find the nine Phoenix manual, but all she saw was nothing less than beast taming manuals.

“I guess I’ll have to find it somewhere else.....”

Ye Rushang was a little disheartened, the nine Phoenix manual would rising her Phoenix bloodline tremendously.

She went back to her courtyard, and sat down to cultivate. She was still at the early stages of Gold Qi realm, if she wanted to defeat Yang Chu and survive she’d have to be stronger than that.

To get to the yang lord realms and possibly higher, would take years, six months would barely be enough to enter the yang lord realm.

Ye Rushang had barely taken a breather, when a bang sound was heard.

What was it this time.....

Ye Rushang walked out of the room, and found out the loud sound was made by Yi Shengli and his followers.

“Ye Bai..come out right now! We have scores to settle...”

Yi Shengli sneered this time he came with backup, so he was not afraid of what Ye Rushang could do.

“You destroyed my door, are you going to pay for it....”

Ye Rushang said. Her head raised, robes blowing in the wind, a smile that was not a smile appeared as she stared at coldly.

“Shut your mouth for me.... you have been disrespectful, it’s high time you know your place in this mountain....”

Yi Shengli snorted, he wouldn’t forget how he was mocked by those imps because of what he said.

“Oh...and who going to teach me..”

Tan Tianjin walked out slowly, dressed in green robes, his handsome and cold face peering at Ye bai.