Are you questioning my sexual orientation

"I didn't know you guys were friends.."

Feng Haoran smiled as he played with the pass token in his hand.

"We're not.."

Ye Rushang firm answer diminished the little hope Di Feng had as she looked at her angrily.

"However she helped me pass the gate, in exchange for me to drink tea with her.."

Di Feng expression eased up a little as she as the urge to conquer Ye Rushang grew.

A man that kept to his words was better than ten thousand men and she must have him.

"Yes so if junior brother Nan would excuse us we'll be on our way.."

Feng Haoran eyes darkened as his gaze landed on Di Feng making her eyelids jump, the inexplicable chill ran down her spine as she could not help but lower her eyes.

"Sure go ahead, you don't need my permission. I'll see you when you're done.."

Ye Rushang nodded she too wanted to get away from Di Feng as soon as possible.