Chapter 41

Yang Chu looked at the pale Hu Jinhua who was chained up in some kind of mechanism.

He looked haggard with patches of blood all over his body, however his eyes were cold and didn't show any sign of tiredness.

"I'll say this once, what is Ye Bai's weakness..."

Hu Jinhua looked annoyed when he heard these words, how long had he known Ye bai. It was already had to get his protection not less know his weaknesses.

"And I've already told you, I don't know!.."

Hu Jinhua's voiced raised slightly carrying a tinge of annoyance. How many times would he say it before it got into that thick skull of his.

Yang Chu's expression fell as he looked at Hu Jinhua, he did not look nervous rather he looked annoyed. Could it be that he really did not know Ye Bai's weakness, but they were master and subordinate, surely he must know something about Ye Bai.

Yang Chu's heart shook slightly he had to get the answers out of Hu Jinhua before Nan Xian finds out that he was missing.