Exceptionally Handsome

An Guang frowned and spoke up, judging from Ye Rushang’s expresssion, it did seem that she had no idea of who he was.

“I’m An Guang, ranked number 2 in this medical faculty..”

The medical faculty had a ranking different from the martial arts rank list, one could see that they aren’t involved in the sects matters.

Even after saying his name Ye Rushang still didn’t have an idea of who he was, her blank look made An Guang even more annoyed.



What was oh, even after hearing his name all he could say was oh.

Before An Guang could speak another youth spoke up before him.

“Sorry please do not mind An Guang, are you here to register...”

The youth asked Ye Rushang as he gave An Guang a glare, their medical faculty population wasn’t growing and now that someone was here to register, he was trying to chase them away.

Before Ye Rushang could say anything An Guang voiced out, he couldn’t let this brat enter the medical faculty.