Chapter 65

Feng Haoran chuckled and walked her back to the ship, there she was finally able to see just how magnificent the ship was!

"Humph! Spendthrift!.."

Ye Rushang muttered the ship was just has magnificent as it was luxurious,truly it was one of Feng Haoran's belongings.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour of the ship.."

Ye Rushang happily nodded and followed Feng Haoran, as Hu Jinhua, Jia Li and the three shadow guards followed behind them.

Ye Rushang finally released Bai Junfeng and little white who had been quiet for some time now.

The sky devouring beast quickly found its way to little white and dragged him to play"who ugly thing, who wants to play with you." Little white humphed arrogantly as he turned his face away.