Chapter 69

The ground rumbled and shook before suddenly turning silent.

Ye Rushang turned and stared at a particular tree at the center, it was extremely tall and it's roots spread out to different places.

Both Ye Rushang and the assassination team all stood in one place waiting for the person who would take the deadly first step.

"Elder brother I'll go check it out."

Mu Ling volunteered as he took a step forward.

The leader of the assassination team also fished out someone and sent him out, Ye Rushang was still observing the tree and didn't take notice to what was happening.

They had already taken more than five steps when Ye Rushang suddenly reacted and shouted "brother ling we can't go any further, quickly stop.."

Mu Ling was startled and quickly stopped but it was too late as the ground shook again.

When he wanted to withdraw his legs and walk back to meet Ye Rushang and the others,he suddenly found out that his legs were completely unable to move.