Chapter 75

Everyone had downed their fur coats, boots and other materials for warmth, although it was a little warm as they well getting closer to the cold region.The immense amount of cold they felt dispersed any lingering form of heat.

Feng Haoran held Ye Rushang's hand, as they both circulated warmth to each other.

He could sense that there was an hidden dangers in the cold region, and protecting Ye Rushang was his upmost concern.

They got to a fork in the road and Ye Rushang glanced at the map, it told them to go right.

Ye Rushang nodded and began walking towards the right path. They hadn't walked up to two minutes when they heard wolves howling.

Ye Rushang cursed in her heart, they couldn't have a peaceful journey for once.

Everyone continued walking, it was just a pack of wolves, nothing they couldn't handle.

They could see the silhouette of the wolves from far as they were gazing and pace around looking at them like their prey.