Separation (3)*

With a thunderous roar, the beast lunged forward, its massive claws slashing through the air.

Ye Rushang swiftly dodged, her movements graceful and precise. She retaliated with a swift motion of her hand, she summoned a swirling inferno, flames spiraling around her in a mesmerizing display.

The heat intensified, enveloping her in a protective aura,unleashing bolts of crackling energy and summoning protective barriers.

Not less to say she wanted this magical beasts to create a hole in every wall in this maze, there's was no way she wouldn't be able to find them after.

The magical beast was also ten times stronger than her there was no way she would be able to overpower it or even try to kill it. She could only create a medium to escape and it was through those holes.

The magical beast was so gigantic that it couldn't even move, such a creature was not designed for cramped spaces yet here it was.