
”Worry not, there's no one I can't find in this maze.."

They walked for a very long time,so much Ye Rushang felt they were going in circles.

She stopped and eyed Lan Huiyin, could cunny fox spirit really be trusted, of course she didn't trust her but they needed to find Jia Li and the others.

"Your servants are close.."

Lan Huiyin muttered she could feel the various energy fluctuations running towards their direction.

"They're being chased.."

Lan Huiyin said casually although she knew the magical beast that was chasing them was a rank eight beast, she wondered how they had survived up till now.

"Are they coming our way.."

Ye Rushang perked up surely Lan Huiyin wouldn't be lying as she had no reason to do so.

"Yes! A woman and two men.."

Ye Rushang nodded it was them her worried heart had finally calm down but didn't Lan Huiyin said they were being chased. How powerful was the magical beast chasing them she wasn't worried as she had Feng Haoran by her side.