"It's thirty minutes past 7am and she's still not up." Kaoru complained with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Well, she texted me saying she wasn't going to school till she's transferred." Kioko explained as she ate her breakfast.

"What did Chihiro say about it? Her decision to transfer."

"Well, he was against it, but she threatened to tell father-in-law that we're bullying her, and you know how he is when it comes to Akage. He spoils her rotten and he’s the only one Akage acts like a little child to."

"Definitely not wrong about that. Aren't you leaving for work?" Kaoru asked as Kioko smiled mischievously.

"Well, you see, I may have sort have lied to the girls that I'm sick, so they gave me a day off." Kioko explained and Kaoru flashed a sympathetic smile.

"I guess the talk didn't end well. I'm sorry I couldn't help because I missed the last bus and had to book a hotel. Did she voice her feelings?"

"Well, that was a breakthrough for us or rather, she doesn't ignore us anymore."

"It's just, it's painful that the little girl I used to hold with the brightest smile on her face feels so… distant." Kioko confessed with a tearful voice.

Kaoru stood up from her seat and comforted her elder sister. "Everything is going to be okay. Give her some space." Kaoru said as Kioko smiled.

"By the way, aren't you supposed to be at work by now?" Kioko asked as she slurped her tea while Kaoru blushed with a pout.

"Me? Oh, today is like my day off because I have no classes on Wednesday and Mr. Hisashi is taking over homeroom for me." Kaoru explained as she stretched her arms backwards.

"Mr. Hisashi, huh? It seems he has a thing for you or is it the other way around you naughty girl." Kioko teased with a cat smile and Kaoru flushed.

"N-no way big sister! We're just co-workers and nothing more." Kaoru explained, her voice high-pitched and nervous.

"Oh, you’re no fun. Have you had sex with him or you’re still playing virgin?" Kioko kept on teasing her sister whose face heated up more.

Akage walked into the kitchen, breaking their girl talk and Kaoru felt bliss at Akage's sudden appearance. Akage rubbed her eyes, her left hand scratching her stomach as her wild bed hair scattered around her face making her mutter.

"Good morning." Akage greeted as she opened the freezer, grabbing a carton of chocolate milk. She drank it and sat down.

"Good morning sweetie. I made your favourite for breakfast, omurice." Kioko said as she stood up, grabbed a plate of omurice, a Japanese egg and rice dish from the microwave and presented it before her daughter.

Akage stared at her mother and aunt with a straight face. She opened her mouth then closed it and frowned.

"Who made breakfast?" Akage asked as Kioko felt an arrow pierce through her chest. Kaoru leaned closer to Akage who leaned back.

"Aka-chan, your mom really put a lot of effort making it. At least give it a try." Kaoru requested.

"I'm still too young to die of food poisoning from both of you. You both can't cook; you have no cooking sense and how the heck does boiling hot water evaporate the water?" Akage asked while Kioko and Kaoru felt like they had been shot several arrows to the chest.

"Aka-chan you are just as cruel as your papa! So mean!" Kioko complained like a child as she hit her six feet three daughter who had a grim smirk on her face.

"Grandpa taught me not to waste food but if it's disgusting, you better get ready for my mouth. Also, why aren't you both at work?"

"Girls day out!" They both cheered with a giggle as Akage nodded.

Akage took the spoon, digging it softly into the soft egg and biting a spoonful of the omurice.

This is definitely the one. The one that will win Aka-chan's heart. Kioko thought as Akage slowly chewed the meal before her face squeezed in disgust as she swallowed.

"So how bad is it?" Kioko asked with her fingers crossed as Kaoru remained quiet in anticipation.

"Mom if you want to kill me use a gun, I heard food poisoning is as bad as death." Akage said rudely but kept on eating the omurice.

"Why doesn't anyone appreciate what I do in this house?!" Kioko scoffed and stomped upstairs. Kaoru stared at Akage then chased after her angry sister.

Akage's lips lifted to a genuine smile as she finished the omurice, not leaving a crumb.

She still cooks horribly in a beautiful way.

"Aka-chan where did you keep..." Kioko paused and smiled when at the ‘thank you’ note on Akage’s empty plate. "You do care."

Akage sneezed as she placed a finger to her nose and continued the game she was playing in the arcade. They were easy for her, but she played to understand why people would spend a lot of money on the tickets she had gathered in five games.

Akage was androgynous and tall; she resembled a beautiful boy with charming charisma. She carried all her tickets, dumped it over a little kid and placed her hands in her pockets.

"Get yourself a prize gift kid." Akage said before she waved goodbye at the kids, uninterested to look back.

Akage explored Tokyo. She recently relocated to Tokyo for high school because her parents who stayed in Japan longer than usual wanted to get to know more about their daughter.

She sat at the park with a lunch box she bought from a convenience store, watching the lake rustling of metal and paper distracted her from her dull thoughts.

Akage stared at the trash bin of the park, watching with curiosity as someone searched the cans while whining in distaste. She dropped her lunch, sneaked, and tapped the stranger who squealed. She banged her head on the trash cover and moaned in pain, rubbing her hair.

Akage gazed speechlessly at the girl whose beauty was like a golden hair goddess. The street girl had long blonde hair that fell a little above her waist, innocent blue eyes with a magnetic pull, charming and taming the hearts of even wild men. Even with the dirt that stained her face and clothes, her beauty knew no bounds, her skin smooth and creamy with a healthy glow ordinary woman desired and tiny lips that begged Akage to take a bite.

So cute, priceless. Akage thought as she and her heroine gaped at each other's soul, sealing their fates. This strange girl was in trouble.

The girl flushed as she ducked her head in shame and got up. She sprinted but in a blink of her eye, Akage caught her left arm, surprising her. Akage pulled the strange girl to her chest, holding her waist with a cocky smile.

The strange girl remained frozen by Akage's reptile shaped pupils.

"You hungry? Haven't you heard the saying that pretty things aren't supposed to pick from trash?" Akage questioned seductively, a whisper that had the girl blushing on how close they stood.

"It's, it's not like I have a choice." The girl's shame-ridden voice replied as Akage moaned on how soft it was, like a whisper that was pleasant to the soul.

"Follow me." Akage said as she grabbed the strange girl's hand, pulling her along to the bench she left her lunch.

"Now sit." Akage commanded and she sat. Akage handed her lunchbox. "Eat up."

"But what about you?" The strange girl asked and Akage shook her head.

"There's more than I can eat at home plus I took a lot of junk before buying this. You obviously need it more than I do." Akage explained as the girl ogled the food, salivating, and gulping before picking up the chopsticks.

"Let's eat." The strange girl said as she started eating, taking small bites as leered at her.

She's just like a bunny. I wanna eat her up.

The girl froze as she studied Akage who smiled. She faced her meal as she thought about Akage.

He’s just like a vixen pretending to be a puppy. Better keep an eye on this one, he’s definitely a pervert.

"You’re so small, pale and so pretty, little girl." Akage said and the girl's right brow twitched in irritation as she gripped the chopstick.

"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy! I’m not wearing a ridiculous skirt or styling my hair pretty!" The strange girl… boy complained as Akage laughed and placed her hand on her chin.

"I realized when I pulled you close. You may be five feet three but you’re not small as I thought?"

"What do you mean?" He asked with a puzzled face as Akage screamed in her mind.

Not only is he cute, but he’s also pure! It's almost such a shame I took an interest in him. Akage thought as a horny teen.

"Eat up. It's just you are like a little girl." Akage said as she handed him a mango smoothie which he took and drank with a smile on his face.

The sweet boy and rubbed his stomach, feeling blissful sate.

"Thank you for the meal." The boy said as he stood and bowed while Akage searched her pocket.

"Don't mention. Here take this." Akage said as she handed two-thousand-yen notes to him. He rejected the money.

"Thank you so much for the meal but I don't need your money and I apologize if it was rude of me." He bowed again and ran off, leaving the money hanging in Akage's hand. She smiled as she gathered her hair into a ponytail and stood up after the boy had disappeared.

This brings back memories. I wish to meet him again. She thought and decided it was time to head home.