School dismissed for the day and Akage decided it was time to face her responsibilities for the week.
She walked to a park, reserved for skateboarders and greeted some acquaintances who waved back at her. She trekked into the neighbourhood, taking a right turn to an abandoned street and squeezed her face in disgust at the scent of cigarettes.
Akage observed, her hands in her pockets as she stared at six young lads who spent their leisure smoking. She marched to the ringleader and snatched the cigarette between his fingers. She threw it on the ground and stomped it.
"Smoking doesn't make you look cool. You look more like a smoke factory if you find douche bag offensive." She scolded him and the boys who didn't smoke laughed.
"Experience is a teacher boss, try it before you judge me." The ringleader replied as a soft smile grew on Akage's face.
"Oh Kensuke, you never learn." Akage said with a sweet smile on her face.
Kensuke was an inch taller than Akage. He had a scar on his left eye, leaving his left eye with a grey colour that contrasted with his right brown eye. His hair was a crazy mixture of white and brown while his tanned skin was designed with a few tattoos and scars.
He was twenty-one years old with a muscular structure and because of his rough appearance with tank tops and jeans, strangers feared him.
"Have you seen Yuuta? I have a bone to pick with him." Akage said as she leaned on the wall.
"No. He mentioned something about being AWOL till some disaster clears up. At least that was the gist of his story." He replied as Akage hummed.
Akage's phone beeped, interrupting their conversation. She picked up her phone and read the message from her mom.
We moved all your stuff to your new place. The address and GPS locator are below.
Akage put her phone back in her pocket and faced Kensuke who smoked another stick.
"When Yuuta gets here, tell him I want to see him at school tomorrow. Also, you’re in-charge until things settle down." Akage instructed.
"Yes boss." Kensuke responded before Akage left.
Akage entered a café, grabbed a seat, and read the menu wondering what she could eat. She looked out the window and stumbled on her feet at a familiar face. She barged out of the café to catch up with the strange boy before he disappears from her sight as she smiled.
She startled the blonde boy who turned back, surprised to see the kind boy that had fed him. His eyes sparkled, resonating with innocence as Akage gave a wolfish smirk.
"Hey little cutie, seems I always find you wherever my hunger leads me." Akage said, grinning at the blushing boy.
He opened his mouth, words stuck in his throat, and he closed his mouth. He moved back with his eyes cast down.
"It's cold and you’re dressed lightly. Let me warm you up." She said as she took off the knitted scarf on her neck and the knit cap. She dressed him with her materials, keeping him warm from the chilly night as he blushed while fisting his chest.
“Are you hungry?" Akage asked with a sincere happy smile on her face as he played with his feet.
He’s so shy, it's adorable. Akage thought before her heroine timidly nodded.
They got to the café door, and he stopped. Akage stopped and faced the boy who played with the hem of his scruffy clothes.
"I can't go in! They'll judge someone as kind as you if you take me in there." He revealed, his soft and caring voice melting Akage's heart further.
"Listen, I don't care what anyone thinks of me. It's not like what they have here is unique or anything and it's nice to see you care about me. Also, if you don't come in with me, I won't be buying anything." Akage stated and he swallowed.
His eyes shifted inside the café, watching food land on a tray. He walked in ahead of Akage and she followed shortly. The strange boy hid at the sight of a few customers who didn't seem to care or notice his presence. Akage held his hand and dragged him to the counter.
"Pick whatever you want, I'll pay." Akage said as he scanned the menu at the counter before his eyes landed on his choice.
He pointed at what he wanted with little hesitation as Akage smiled, checking out the menu herself before signalling a staff.
"Two cream puffs, two sandwiches, two fairy queen cakes and two Mitsuya cider." Akage ordered as he stared at her, confused she had ordered more.
They quietly ate their meal at one end of the room with Akage studying everything she could about him. She loved how his blonde hair scattered on his face, how his lips reshaped as he chewed in happiness, ignorant of the crumbs that stained his face.
"I'll be back in a sec." Akage said as she stood up, heading to the counter to pay.
She ordered takeout, satisfied they packaged it by the time he was done with his meal.
"Let's go!" She informed him.
He grabbed Akage's bag, and they left café.
"Here." Akage said as she offered the bag containing the takeout.
"Thank you but what is it?" He asked as he collected it.
"I know you won't accept cash, so I got you a necessity. If you don't want it, you can throw it away. Until we meet again." She said as he bowed.
"Thank you so very much!" He appreciated her before he turned his back and ran to his destination.
"I wonder why I always forget to ask his name." Akage whispered and strolled in the opposite direction.
Akage arrived home an hour before her parents' departure. She changed into her slippers and entered. "I'm home!" Akage announced as her mom ran in.
"Welcome home Aka-chan!" She cheered and hugged Akage who again, rejected her display of affection making her mom pout like a child.
Akage walked in, falling on the couch with a grunt as she greeted her dad who sat diagonal to the couch. She pulled out her phone, playing an unfriendly round of Candy Crush as Chihiro huffed.
"Won't you let your mother hug you before we leave?" He questioned as he scrolled through his phone before his eyes drifted to Akage.
Akage exhaled, pausing the game as she stared at her dad. "You guys better hurry up or you'll miss your flight. Trust me when I say missing that flight will be a terrible mistake on your account." She responded with a grunt before Chihiro resumed reading on his phone.
The airport was large and crowded at night. Akage loved how the breeze touched her skin, the chill of the night sank in her bones as she and her aunt faced her departing parents.
"Aka-chan please take care of yourself and the maid café for me. Don't eat junk, sleep well and early, don't skip meals, dress warm and don't get into serious trouble, okay? If you ever need us, give us a ring." Kioko advised with a loving smile which beautified her face.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Akage responded cheekily.
"Remember Kaoru leaves tomorrow for Kyoto so you have to move to your new place tomorrow." Chihiro reminded her as she groaned.
"I know dad. Move along before you miss your flight." Akage said in irritation as they smiled before grabbing their suitcases.
Chihiro and Kioko held hands as they departed but paused when they felt a warmer body hugging them from behind. They knew who it was without looking back and touched Akage's arms in comfort.
"Be safe you bastards. I'll miss you." Akage confessed with unshed tears in her eyes as all three of them chuckled. Chihiro and Kioko turned back, hugging their daughter who gladly received them in her arms with a warm smile.
"If you ever talk about today, I'm going to kill both of you." Akage joked as her parents chuckled. Chihiro ruffled her hair, and she growled in disapproval.
"I'll try not to tease you. We love you." Chihiro said before Kioko hugged her in response and grabbed her suitcase.
Kaoru smiled at the heartwarming sight until mischievous thought popped into her head.
"So, my baby girl has feelings. I'm so proud of you." Kaoru teased as Akage blushed, storming away. Kaoru laughed and teased Akage as Akage told her to quit it.
For the first time, Akage felt happy with her parents' departure.