One week since Akage had transferred into Seika High and she enjoyed school.

The students were lively, trouble was a language and punishments were activities that brought the class closer. Their individual weaknesses bonded class 2E, and that was what Akage loved about it.

First period, mathematics went smoothly with Mr. Shindo; a lenient and soft-natured man who taught them differentiation. Akage yawned once again, her notebook opened, blank and new and her eyes outside the window staring at the birds that flew by.

The door opened loudly, disrupting the class as everyone’s attention, excluding Akage, focused on the three wannabe delinquents—Kisho Makoto, Daiki Hoshi, and their leader Eiji Sena.

They walked to the back of the class, sat in their seats in the same row as Akage, and glared at her. Akage didn’t notice them as she had zoned out into space, her spirit bathing in the sun that made a few of her classmates concerned.

The three vipers reputation included bullying transfers, especially the ones in their class. They also felt their pride wounded at the thought that Akage did the impossible… Kissing Shizuno Furukawa, who was a very difficult and strict female.

The bell for break rang as Yuuta faced who brought out her homemade bento. She opened it, putting a drooling smile on Yuuta’s face that stole a piece of her chicken.

“Hmm. I forgot how good of a cook you are. You sure you won’t marry me?” Yuuta asked as he went for another stick before Akage used the chopsticks to grab his fingers.

“If you’re as short as five feet seven, sure.” Akage said as Yuuta pouted.

“Well, better hit the cafeteria.” Yuuta said as he stood up before Akage dropped a few notes in his hands.

“Get me strawberry milk.” Akage said as Yuuta chuckled and left.

The moment Yuuta left, Eiji and his friends stood up, surrounding Akage, who ate her meal without care. Akage’s arrogance and her confidence in ignoring the people that could make her life miserable infuriated Eiji.

They were the law, and they would show Akage her place.

Eiji grabbed Akage by the collar as she looked away while of few of their classmates’ mates stood up.

“Leave him alone Sena!” The class president demanded as Eiji faced him.

“Shut the fuck up!” Eiji screamed in response before staring at Akage, who remained bored at the scene.

“Who the hell do you think you are, walking into our school and doing whatever?! You didn’t even look at us, you piece of crap!” Eiji shouted as Akage yawned.

“It’s not my fault watching me isn’t entertaining for high-bred idiots. I hear it’s reigning in the market.” Akage responded with cold shoulders.

“You bastard!” Eiji said and punched Akage across the face as she landed forcefully on her sit.

Yuuta stared at the scene from the door, dropping his lunch as he walked up to Akage, who sat in silence with her head down. Yuuta's anxiety spiked at Akage silence and, sensing the surrounding energy was hostile, he faced Eiji.

“Apologise, you bastard! If you want to live, apologise to Akage!” Yuuta demanded as he gripped Eiji’s shirt.

“Like hell I’m going to apologise!” Eiji stated as his friends struggled to get Yuuta off Eiji.

While they were fighting, Akage picked up her chopsticks and continued eating silently. She finished the last grain of rice, placed her hands under her locker and brought out a pair of fingerless gloves.

Akage put them on as she stood up, breaking the argument.

Akage walked up to Eiji, bringing her lips to his ears with a smile on her face. “Me, you and your boys, boy’s bathroom. Let’s finish what you started.” She whispered before leaving the class.

“Don’t go Eiji! Akage is one person you will feel humiliated fighting!” Yuuta demanded, but Eiji shoved him, much to Yuuta’s dismay.

“Vipers never turn down a challenge.” Eiji said arrogantly as he and his friends walked out.

They never listen, do they? Yuuta thought as he walked to his lunch on his table.

Eiji, Kisho, and Daiki appeared, standing opposite Akage, who leaned on the wall with a grin on her face.

“Eiji Sena, Kisho Makoto and Daiki Hoshi, let’s have a thrill together.” Akage said, catching them off guard by her excitement.

They could sense something was different about her, but before they could react, Akage punched Kisho and kicked him into the toilet compartment before she locked it.

They were caught off guard by how quick she covered the distance between them as she spun, kicking Daiki eight times at different crucial parts of his upper body before punching his guts hard as a lot of blood spilt out from his mouth, staining her.

He is a beast. Eiji thought as he took a step back and stared at Akage’s eyes, dark with a murderous intent inside them.

Eiji tried to punch her, but she caught his fist, pulled him closer and used her knee to kick him before using her feet and tripping him.

Eiji fell with his head banging the door before he laid flat on his stomach. Akage straddled Eiji and pulled his left hand backwards, making him hiss in pain.

“These hands hit me. Look how fragile they are and so easy to break.” Akage mock-serious voice had Eiji’s heart beating with fear. Akage broke a finger as Eiji screamed as his voice echoed in the halls.

“I want you to remember the pain of surviving a demon. Scream louder, harder. Someone might save you. An angel probably.” Akage mocked sadistically as she broke his fingers one by one as he screamed.

When satisfied, she got off a sobbing Eiji as she placed her leg on him and laughed, mocking him as she stepped on his head.

“If you ever dare me again, I’ll kill you. You should thank Yuuta for your life and also...” She paused as she took off her feet from his head. “One word of what happened here, I’m sure you know the end.” Akage said and walked out of the bathroom.

“So how were they?” Yuuta asked as Akage sat down, much to her classmates’ amazement.

“Weaker than I expected. Vipers are just a circus show, a comedy to trample on. Makes me wonder why you’re tolerating his bullshit?” Akage asked as she drank her milk.

“Don’t wanna anger their patriarch. I heard he is scary, and Eiji is his younger brother. I guess the war I’ve been avoiding followed you. This adds to the next gang you’ve caused trouble with boss.”

“If I have to make another gang disappear, I will. It’s time they learnt their place and the fierce power of the wolves. After all, it won’t be the first time.” Akage responded with a cruel smile.

She really is a terror. Yuuta thought as he gave a hopeless sigh.

Rumours were like wildfire about Akage by the end of the day. The unexplainable and unaccountable action with Viper members had everyone talking and whispering about Akage and how strong she must be.

The moment Akage stepped out of the building, a wave of girls surrounded her, wanting to comfort her as she frowned. Akage picked up her headphone, placing them on her head and playing soft music as she forced her way through the girls who saw her coldness as another charm.

She was their idol, and they were her nuisances.

Ena walked up to Akage, who stopped and took off the headphone as she stared at Ena, who held a little bandage in her hand for Akage.

“Akage senpai, here.” Ena said timidly, and Akage accepted it.

“Help me put it on.” Akage said as Ena’s heart quickened a little, but the glares from the other girls discouraged her and she refused.

“There’s nothing wrong with being a little selfish. If another one of them was in your place, they wouldn’t care about anyone’s feelings.” Akage encouraged and patted Ena’s head.

Ena collected the bandage and slowly removed the wrapper before pasting it on the bruise from Eiji’s punch earlier.

“Thank you. Want to walk home together?” Akage offered as Ena blushed in joy.

She looked behind Akage, asking permission from her best friend, who raised a thumb in a whisper. “Go get him, cowgirl.”

“Yes senpai!” Ena’s voice pitched as she covered her mouth. “I mean yes.” She whispered as Akage chuckled.

They both board a bus in silence, with Ena feeling shy and Akage not being much of a talker. They sat at the back of the bus, Akage relaxing after adjusting to the system as Ena battled with her mind to talk.

“Which club is senpai in?” Ena asked as Akage changed to a more neutral and casual look than her common stoic face.


“I heard you’re an international star in certain sports, all gold with a few silvers.”

“Who told you that? You don’t seem to be interested in sports or games to know.”

“A few of the captains said they’ve seen you play at the nationals in person, and you deserved the title Titan of Sports.” Ena said shyly as two of her fingers kissed each other. Akage shrugged and exhaled softly.

“Yuuta-kun said you’re also incredible.” Ena added with a blush on her face.

“Are you related to Yuuta? He has a younger sister.” Akage asked as Ena shyly shook her head.

“No. We’re childhood friends and neighbours.”

“He is my best friend and someone important to me.” Akage said as she stared into space with a smile on her face.

“Akage senpai, how did you meet Yuuta?” Ena asked as Akage’s smile disappeared and she patted Ena’s head.

“I’ve said too much. If you ever want to know, give me a reason to trust you.” Akage replied as Ena nodded once, loving how kind and mature Akage was. “I wonder why a timid bunny like you is in E class?”

“My grades are terrible. I’m not very bright, but I’m a hard worker. I’m sure you’re aware the school assigns everyone classes by their IQ, skills, and student records, so it will be easy to manage them. E class is popular for having failure students, troublemakers, bad record students and weird ones. I’m not like my elder sister Asami, perfect, pretty and intelligent. I constantly disappoint my mom, so I came here to see if Zoyo could sharpen me up a little.”

“Never make the mistake of living under the shadows of someone else, or you’ll never see the light. We’re all different, as well as our destinies; no matter how many times we wish to be someone else. Remember, we’re humans made to be imperfect and if your parents keep on elaborating on how inferior you are, buy one of those ‘I ain’t tripping’ shirt and wear it for a month.” Akage joked as a peal of adorable laughter escaped from Ena.

The bus stopped at Ena’s stop. Ena stood up and bowed. “Thank you so much senpai. I feel a lot better.” Ena said.

Akage handed her a flyer advertising Maid Paradise and nodded in response. Ena took it and waved goodbye before hopping down from the bus as she watched Akage’s bus leave with a bright smile on her face before she realised, she had talked to her favourite senpai and blushed.

She checked out the flyer.

Maid Paradise, where all your dreams come true.

Akage was changing into her maid uniform when Hisano entered. She hugged Akage from the back, squeezing her B cup breast as she awed on how soft they were. Akage pushed her away with her face flustered.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Akage questioned as Hisano sniggered.

“So, you also can be so cute and embarrassed when you’re a girl.” Hisano said as Akage frowned.

“Back to business. I will work here till we get a little more hand on deck. It’s nice to hear Akihito will join us every day.” Akage said as Hisano hummed in agreement.

Akage was about to leave when Hisano grabbed her hand and rubbed her face around Akage’s chilly hands.

“How many times will I tell you to stop teasing me?!” Akage barked as she kicked Hisano, who fell with an excited smile on her face.

“I just can’t help it. Aka-chan is so cute and her skin is so soft.” Hisano answered like a hopeless cause and Akage signed.

“I’m going to work.” Akage grumbled as she huffed while Hisano gave a catlike smile.

“Here’s your meal, master.” Akage said as she dropped the customer’s order and tried to walk away, but he held her hand, stopping her.

“You forgot to cast the spell.” He reminded her as she groaned and stared at the meal.

“Hara Hara, taste better or whatever.” Akage lazily chanted as the man smiled.

He caught Akage off guard by touching her leg, his hand going under her gown and trailing up to touch her smooth and hairless legs.

“If you alert the other customers and staff, you’ll lose your job.” The man threatened as Akage stared at him like he was an idiot before a naughty idea popped up in her head, making her smile.

Akage expressed fear, exciting the man, then glared angrily at him with a disdainful smile on her face. She pushed the table, placed her knee on his groin, and grabbed his collar, forcing the man to touch her hip. The noise gathered the attention of the customers and then Akage performed.

“I can’t do that sir, I’m a minor! Help me! He is a pervert!” Akage cried with fear on her face while tears fell down her eyes.

The man pushed Akage as he stood and pointed at Akage.

“She’s a liar! She seduced me and told me it was okay!” The man accused as Akage cried harder.

“You are lying. Will you people let this injustice pass? Will you let criminals like him free?” Akage questioned as she cried while two customers comforted her.

“You’re a bastard!”

“People like you give Japanese a bad name!”


“How could you do that to our tomboy?! We know she’s freaking hot, but still!”

The customers reigned curses at the pervert who felt cornered.

“How could you believe this treacherous bitch?! She’s playing you! She’s lying! Do you even know who I am?!” He asked in anger as Hisano appeared before him.

“Master, isn’t it your fault for getting seduced by her? Also, Aka-san is one of the staff whose known for not being friendly even to customers and a plain-looking man like you will never catch her fancy. Because master is a customer, there’s no need to pay because this is your last meal here.” Hisano informed him with a smile.

The slap resonated in the room as everyone stared at the man who slapped Hisano. Everyone except Akage gasped as Sora walked to the man.

“If you don’t leave, I’ll post this video online and also charge you for assault.” Sora said in anger.

The man groaned and glared at Akage before he grabbed his things.

“Mark my words, Aka-san… you’ll pay for this.” The man said before he ran away.

“Thank you all for your help and we apologise for the inconvenience.” Reiko apologised as Mai handed Hisano an ice pack.

Akage stood up, cleaning the fake tears as she scoffed and walked to the back. Kurumi appeared at laughed at the occurrence.

“You really are your mother’s daughter, though you’re a better actress. Will you let this injustice pass?” Kurumi acted before bursting into laughter.

“It seems this is normal.” Akage stated.

“From stalkers, creepy love letters, creepy phone calls, breaking and entering. Yeah, we’ve all had experience, so we just laugh it out.”

“How’s chief?”

“She’s okay. It isn’t a first or last and she’s a bundle of joy, so she’ll bounce back soon.” Kurumi explained as Akage nodded.

The day was finally over. Akage was glad that the earlier incident didn’t spoil their smiles, especially Hisano, who Reiko comforted by letting her drop her head on her boobs and squeezing them.

Akage was taking a peaceful walk when her phone started ringing, and Yuuta appeared on the screen.

“What’s wrong?” Akage asked as she paused in her footsteps.

“Vipers are where you’re working. They might be a problem for the ladies, so mind-clearing them out.” Yuuta requested as Akage turned back.

“Consider it done.” She replied and cut the call before she secured her phone in her bag.

Akage took the street they could take as she searched for trouble. The sounds of beating caught her attention as she quickened her pace.

She froze when she saw ten men beating up her heroine. She stood in silence as she watched one of them grab her heroine by the collar. The strange boy spat at the man who held his collar, causing them to throw his heavily bruised to a pile of trash as he panted.

“You don’t know when to quit, do you?” The leader of the group asked as he brought out a knife.

“I won’t accept defeat in this fight, in life, without even trying. Even if I don’t win, I can look back and tell myself I tried my best.” The strange boy responded weakly as Akage’s eyes widened.

The smile of a little boy replayed in her head. “Never give up so you can look back and tell yourself you tried your best.” The child’s voice rang in her head as she smiled.

It really is you. Akage thought and decided to take control.

The leader was about to cut the strange boy, but Akage’s whistle stopped them, stealing everyone’s attention.

It’s him again, he has… To get away or they’ll hurt him. The strange boy thought weakly as he struggled to stay awake.

“Ten guys are nothing. Leave him alone.” Akage said as she cracked her fingers one by one.

“Get away from here if you don’t want us to hurt you. We’re part of the Vipers, the strongest gang on these streets.” The leader said as Akage sighed.

“Why don’t you and your boys be good snakes and slither to a hole and die?” Akage demanded as they faced her.

The strange boy struggled to stay awake but couldn’t. He closed his eyes for only felt like a while to him, but it had been five minutes.

He stared in shock at the dead bodies that lay on the floor. A few broken necks, slit throats and their ringleader’s hand gripping a few of his fingers left.

Akage licked the blood on the blade she snatched.

“I, I know you. The beast that works in the shadow of the Wolves. You are Rogue.” The leader said in fear as Akage chuckled and placed the knife in his good hand.

“Tell your leader not to cross my path again. If you ever touch him again; I’ll kill you and everyone you love.” Akage threatened, and the man trembled in fear.

The strange boy passed out at the sound of screaming.

Is he dead? Would be a shame? Akage thought as she checked if he was breathing and smiled when she realised, he just needed help.

Akage picked out her phone and dialled her personal assistant, who picked up the call the moment he saw Akage’s private number.

“Miss Akazawa?” Her personal assistant spoke up.

“Send a car to Maid Paradise within five minutes.” She instructed and cut the call before he could say anything.

The car arrived quickly as Akage stood in front of the Maid Paradise with the strange boy in her arms. Her secretary Daisuke Hibiki stared in shock at the boy in her arms but said nothing as Akage dropped him carefully inside the car.

She carried her heroine in her arms as she stared at Daisuke with a stoic face.

“Not a word about my personal life or this to my parents or find yourself a new job.” Akage instructed.

“Yes, ma’am.” He replied before he drove off.

Akage carried the boy, marvelled at how light he was as she opened her apartment. She dropped him in her guest room and sighed as she checked what needed to be done.

She stripped his unconscious body of every piece of clothing and stuffed it in a disposable bag, leaving him naked and uncovered on the bed.

She carried him to the bathroom without disgust or discomfort and placed him in the bathtub. She cleaned him gently, washing every nook and cranny of his body until he was clean.

She treated his wounds professionally, using ointments that would heal his wounds without a scar.

She dressed him in her smallest pyjamas that were still big on him, but she loved how cute he looked in her pyjamas as she took a few pictures.

She covered a blanket over him and kissed his head before she switched off the lights and retired to her room.