The wolf gang members with their patriarch stood in an open field, hands full of clubs awaiting the fight their patriarch promised them.
“Who are we fighting boss?” Kensuke asked their leader, eyes focused on the patriarch’s hair dancing with the wind.
“She’s coming.” The patriarch said and grinned.
A young girl appeared across the field. Her long red hair covered the badge of her school uniform, but the school’s popularity exposed itself – Tekko Girls Middle School. A private school for the rich and privileged.
Kensuke pondered why a middle schooler was here.
She rested her headphone on her neck and pointed at their patriarch.
“You’re the leader of the wolves.” She stated and their patriarch smirked. Everyone was amazed; enemies always assumed Kensuke was the leader.
“Yes.” He replied and folded his hand.
“My name is Akage, and I challenge you for your title!” Akage announced.
“And if you lose?” The patriarch asked her.