Miketsukami appeared from the other end of the street, panting hard. He froze at the scene as the three kidnappers turned back to gaze at Miketsukami.
Kenshin sobbed in relief.
Miketsukami hung his head down, the aura around him became ominous. He cracked his fingers and glared at the men.
“How dare you lowlifes touch him? I’ll kill all of you.” Miketsukami declared.
Kenshin couldn’t recognise the Miketsukami standing in front of him and his eyes: It was cold, dark, and full of murderous intent; his deep voice devoid of the warmth and playful cheers, raised the hairs on Kenshin’s nape.
Miketsukami pulled out two thick chains from his pockets and wrapped around each of his thick muscular hand. He was huge, standing at 196cm and a boxer build designed in old scars and veins. Miketsukami brought his balled fist close to his chest.
The man wearing the headband grabbed his bat and charged towards Miketsukami.