Author's Words

Hello Guys! Your dear Author is here! Guys, now there are some points I want to mention.

1) Protagonist is not a good guy, but he isn't a straight villain either he will do anything to achieve his goals even if it means killing innocent people or doing genocide.

2) He will have a huge harem and there will be Netori but no Netorare.

3)He will be weak at the start but then he will become OP very quickly.

4)He will hide his powers at the start but then he will do a badass comeback so no Strong Acting Weak trope.

5) Guys I know that you won't like me uploading a new novel when my others are pending but I was unable to stop myself from making this.

6) He will have a cliche beginning and the reason will be told at the very beginning.

7) Now if you have any questions then ask it and I will try to answer it.