Adam's Template

Neo Pov

[Congratualtions for Host winning Adam's template(Record Of Ragnarok Version)]

[Does Host wants to assimilate it?]

My eyes widened in shock, I stayed daze for a good few more minutes before I started laughing like a maniac again, after laughing for two minutes I finally stopped and realized that my protagonist Aura is finally doing a thing or what I believe too.

Damn, at least this f*cking trouble magnet Skill paid off. I said in my mind,' Assimilate it.

[ Started assimilation...The host is going into a coma for 2 Hours!]

As I heard that I slowly lost consciousness.


3rd Pov

While Neo wait unconscious again his maid Elsa woke up, feeling Neo not being near her she rubbed her eyes and looked for him finding him laying in a bed's corner, Worrying he will fall she quickly moved him to the middle.

Seeing him in a deep sleep she decided to not wake him up and start doing her daily work which starts with making breakfast for him, once she made breakfast she decided to wake him up but seeing he is not responding she started getting worried and checked his pulse, after realizing everything is normal she breathed in relief and decided till he wakes up she will give him a lap pillow.

She slowly caressed his hair as she looked at his face full of love and obsession,' Master looks so cute sleeping like this ', she thought,' Master gave me everything, he gave me love and care, if not for him I would have been like other Homunculi, just a tool which can be discarded after its use ', she again thought.

She loves her master, he is everything to her, if it's for his sake she would destroy the whole world alas she doesn't have the strength to do anything like that. She remembers how at first when she met him she was just an emotionless machine made to obey every command of her master but soon it changed, she started loving him.

She started caring for him, she wanted to serve him not because she was made to do so but because she wanted to do so. He loved her and treated her like a person rather than a tool, by now their relationship is of lovers. Her only desire is to be loved by him and serve him till the end of her life.

She hates how everyone insults her master, and she boils in anger seeing him insulted and being mocked she wants nothing more than to torture and kill everyone who dares to mock and harm her master but unfortunately she doesn't have the strength to do so. She feels disgusted at her inability to help her master.

'Master is so kind, even if I am useless he still loves me and told me I am the most important thing to him ', she thought as tears started dripping down her cheeks,' While my life will be short I am happy that I met you master ', she again thought and wiped out her tears.

Yes her lifespan is short, she is a homunculus and she won't live more than a few years before she dies but it doesn't matter to her, she is happy because she met her Master, the person who colored her black and white world.

' If they dare to cross the line and do anything to you ', she thought and gave Neo a peck on his lips and then continued,' I will kill everyone ', a dark aura started appearing around her.

Neo's family didn't know that they will die if they dare to do any physical harm to Neo. They are just moments away from getting the wrath of a Yandere.


Neo Pov

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling, I sighed and then excitedly thought,' System show my status!'.

A holographic screen appeared before my eyes and seeing the Status my eyes wide opened.


Name: Neo EL DIsardius

Age: 20

Strength: F- > B+

Endurance: F- >A

Agility: F--> C

Mana: E-> D-

Luck: A+


Protection of Will of the Omniverse:*&^&

Intermediate Protagonist Aura: A+

Appraisal: E+>C

True Magic Denial Of Nothingness: EX+++

Eyes Of the Lord: EX

Punch That Surpasses Time: A++

The Father of the Humanity: A+

Physical Resistance: B-

Seeing my new status and skill I was shocked! I now have a strength of a Hight Level Servant I would need to train before I would be capable of bringing out my full power it still means I am pretty much invincible until I face a Servant.

Calming down my excitement, I took a deep breath, Elsa who felt I woke up said came into the room and said," Master Good Morning, should I give you breakfast?".

I replied," Good Morning Elsa, also I need to brush my teeth before I will eat my breakfast", she nodded and helped me out to stand up, wait?! I can feel both of my legs, getting another shock I said," Elsa can you take me to the bed again", while confused she nodded and took me to the bed.

After sitting on the bed I tried standing up without any support and at first, I trembled but soon I was able to walk," Haha, Elsa! I can walk! Elsa I can walk!", I cried out in excitement. Elsa too was happy and hugged me and said," Master! You can walk! Now no one will say that you are crippled anymore!", she looked happier than me, to be honest.

I hugged her as well and then we both kissed each other, soon our kiss turned into a French Kiss, and only after a few minutes did our kiss break, a thin bridge of saliva formed as we broke our kiss. Remembering that I haven't brushed yet I apologized," Sorry Elsa in heat of the moment I forgot that I haven't brushed yet".

She shook her head and said," Master I don't care about it for me anything related to you is not dirty", I felt happy hearing her words, to be honest except for her I don't have any friends, I mean I do have Waver as my friend but he isn't close to me and while I already know how much Elsa loves me it doesn't stop me showing affection for her.

Love is both-sided and one-sided love always fails I am not like those Chinese protagonists who think women will crawl to him. I am not like those people who take love for granted. Sorry, I am not that princess who took the prince's love for granted.

After talking with her, I brushed my teeth and then ate my breakfast. After eating I said," Elsa I think I should tell you the truth now".

"Hmm Master?", she tilted her head in confusion, now there is a reason I didn't tell her about my ability to get powers yet. While I trust her, I don't trust my excuse of family, who knows what they will do once they get to know about my powers. They might just use me as a guinea pig but now that I have the power to not give a damn about them I should tell about my power to Elsa.

I finally started telling her about I had powers, that I am strong as a Servant Physical wise and possess First True Magic as for my Gacha? The First Rule of having a system is to never reveal it and while I will tell her later on about my ability to gain powers, I will never tell anyone what exactly I have.

She was shocked by now and trembling she asked," Master why did you tell me such a thing? and why now?", I answered her," Previously I didn't have the strength to protect you but now I am strong to protect you", her eyes became teary hearing that and she hugged me and said," I love you Master! To think you will think a mere being such as me worthy to have your secret! I promise that even If I were to die I would never reveal your secret!".

I shook my head and said," Silly girl, don't ever dare say that! You are more important to me than my secret" After, hearing that she nodded like a chicken, and sniffed my scent. Man, how adorable she is!

I patted her head and said," Now Elsa let's leave my powers, for now, I need to practice my newly acquired powers before anything else".

She nodded, and we kissed again which lead to a steamy session.


I decided to not attend class today, as it won't provide me any help, I have already a great amount of Theoretical knowledge about Magecraft, and while my Magecreaft is 3rd Rate I can still perform it.

Elsa is currently tired and is sleeping, man we overdid the sex today, anyway it's time I start confirming my thoughts.

"Trace on", I said as a knife slowly appeared in my hand, yes I can perform Trace on but albeit barely and that's when I learned it getting several pointers from the system, I used more than 30 Gacha points to learn Trace On.

It soon broke away, I took a deep breath and tried activating Denial Of Nothingness as I do with Appraisal, soon I felt a change inside me and I used Trace On again.

A knife appeared instantly on my hand and I felt no further Prana Consumption, I swung it a bit and realized it is almost the same as real or it is real to be more accurate. I smiled realizing I was on the Mark.

First True Magic Denial Of Nothingness, just as its name says can deny any skill, ability, Divinity, Authority, or even Concept showing what it is capable of! It can also do vice-versa working like Unlimited Balde Works but better and the builds are permanent.

I started thinking about what to do next and I decided to rebuild my Mana Circuits, I need to practice it for a bit before I can do it but I know I will succeed, reason? I have a freaking Protagonist Aura and I am going to abuse the hell out of this trouble magnet skill.

I continued practicing my Denial Of Nothingness and used it to make Ice, fire, Earth, control wind, and do many more.

I was amazed by what I could do with this OP Skill, I also used it to regenerate my prana faster and it filled up full just in a few seconds!

I knew that I have finally become what I wanted to be! I have become a broken character!


3rd Pov

Elsa woke up, the first thing she did was to look for her Master, and seeing him busy trying out his powers she decided to not disturb him, she looked at the room and sighed.

There was her master's semen and her love juices scattered all over the floor and bed, even now she had her master's semen dripping from her pussy, unlike normal human Homunlucus are perfect thus despite the hard pounding she received she recovered quite quickly.

She started cleaning the room while she thought,' Master has recovered and he might not need me anymore ', she stopped and looked towards the room he currently in is, she then shook her head and thought,' It doesn't matter, I am Master's servant and my only duty is to serve him and I know that he will never leave me ', she smiled while she continued cleaning the room.


Neo decided to attend his classes a few days later, he walked into the classroom with his walking stick and saw half of the classroom full, while acting like he still is crippled he walked towards his seat which was beside waver velvet one of the Characters of the Fate Zero.

He was walking when a person interrupted him, it was none other than his younger brother the destined next head of his family, seeing him and his smirk he realized it was his Protagonist Aura doing its job and arranging the face-slap moment.

A blonde girl walked behind him, she was none other than his Childhood friend and Brother Jone's girlfriend, Alissa. To be honest, he didn't hold any feelings for her, he deliberately befriended her so Protagonist Aura frees him from the worst thing of the cliche troupe and that is starting Ntr and thankfully she left him freeing him of this cliche troupe.

Thus he avoided being Ntr by his love interest but made a childhood friend while knowing who will betray him. If Alissa truly knew that he was happy that she left him who knew what expression she would make?

Jone smirked and said," Well, if it isn't other than my trash brother who disgraced our family name, tell me what you were doing for the last few days. You didn't attend the classes, well it wouldn't even matter if you would attend them either!".

They started laughing while Neo looked at them like they are fools and thought,' Should I give discard this sh*tty Aura? I don't want to go through these cliches anymore and once the plot starts god knows how much trouble will come to me, you know what once I change my Mana Circuits I will discard this sh*tty Aura '.

While Neo was thinking about what to do with his Protagonist Aura, Jone got angry seeing him ignoring him and shouted," Listen Trash! Don't you dare to ignore me!".

Alissa too snorted and said," Hmph! To think I liked trash like you once, thankfully I realized my mistake and chose your brother over you!".

Neo rolled his eyes inside his mind, while Alissa was beautiful she was nothing compared to Elsa it would be like comparing feces with a white rose, that's just how big of a difference was between them, he knew this kind of stupid thing is happening to him due to the Protagonist's Aura, but this didn't make his anger for Alissa and his brother any less, to be honest, he was very eager to test his Denial of Nothingness on them but managed to hold himself back.

' I still need to win the Holy grail war and once that happens I will let you see who is the boss', Neo thought, and ignoring them he walked toward his seat making them angrier, but they refrained from doing anything further.

" Hmph! Not only trash but a coward as well ", snorted Alissa, then she and Jone ignored him and settled down on their seats.

Neo sat on his seat and saw Waver studying, he greeted him and he returned his greeting as well, then they busied themselves on their things waiting till the teacher arrives.

To be continued...