Summoning a Servant

Neo Pov

I sighed still thinking about which servant I should summon, I barely remember the Fate series from my past life, I mean it has been 20 years, but still, I wrote most of the important parts I remembered in a diary, which I later burned off in fear of anyone else seeing, though I memorized the content making me recall Fate Zero, Fate Stay Night, Fate Unlimited Blade works, Fate Heaven's feel, Fate Apocrypha, Fate Grand Order First Order, Sixth Order, Seventh Order, and Eight Order till now quite good, I mean I remember important parts anyway.

So while I know a bunch of new good servants that I can summon, they are well what to say? Unreliable, I mean I can't summon Jeanne D' Arc who is on the Good side and will not like my actions if they are against her morals, even a powerful servant like Xuanzang Sanzang is on Lawful good so unless I manage to corrupt her, they will be more trouble since I am not exactly a good person.

Man, I would have summoned Artoria Lancer if not for her being a Divine Spirit, and summoning her may result in a new era of Gods which I don't want, I can prevent something like this once I mastered my Magic more perfectly.

Damn why I am even thinking so much, I will just go with the caster I have in my mind and I will think about the rest of them later on, first I need to win this Holy grail war, get third true magic, become Immortal and get infinite Mana, after that, I won't have to fear about some sh*tty thing happening.

Even If Lotbelt kings or Outer Gods were to attack this world, I will be able to defeat them or save myself and Elsa without any worry. Nodding to myself I drank my coffee slowly, my maid Elsa came inside the room and said," Master this is the letter you have received from Mr. Asonia".

She handed me over the letter and after reading it I couldn't help but smile, that guy Asonia has the artifacts I want, so I can get the catalyst needed for the summoning. I guess it's better to summon the servant I have in my mind quickly.

(Author's Note: Apparently there are Outer Gods in the Fate series, but unlike other verses, the outer gods here are described as just being of upper dimensions, and they have finite strength with flesh bodies, so while being Powerful they aren't invincible, just treat them as sixth-dimensional being)


*Warning! There is some dark stuff so you guys can skip it if you want*

3rd Pov

In a dark room, one can see a young girl strapped in a metal bed, tears were coming from her eyes as she looked at the horrifying scene of a Man dissecting herself alive and doing something she can't understand.

The man looked at her and smiled," Yes just be like that, be a good girl and be quiet once I am completed and if I succeed you will thank me later on! After all, you will get the potential to become a mage and no longer a mere human".

He then with a depraved smile continued cutting through her chest, and then put some gems inside her body, he then used some spells to heal her wounds and said, "Nice, now let's see if it works".

As soon as he said that, he poured Prana into the spells written on the girl's body, suddenly the girl started screaming, but the young man didn't mind it, her body started releasing electric sparks and soon she died with her body turning into a charred corpse.

The man sighed and said," Another failure, I guess I will need the ancient gems for this experiment thankfully my deal with the Dlsardius family will help me with it". After checking the corpse he ordered a Homunculus to dispose of the corpse and cleaning himself he went to the dining room.

Sitting on his chair he looked at his wife who came inside the dining room and said, "Darling did that man came to meet our oldest daughter today?".

His wife nodded and said," Indeed that trash did come to meet our daughter, sigh what a pity, if not for the Ancient gems that Dlsardius has, we wouldn't need to marry our daughter to that trash".

The man aka Mr. Edleflet nodded to his wife's words and said," Although, unfortunately, it's something we need to do to make our long dream successful". His dream was to use gems as a magic reservoir for mages if it were to succeed then gems could be used to increase the Prana capacity of a person.

Edelfelt family, like the Toshaka family, had their ancestral magecraft of gems. He plans to make this a reality using a theory that he found in books written by his ancestor. Alas, he has failed till now and concluded he will need purer gems containing prana to succeed and such gems were only held by ancient families, thus he made a deal with the Dlsardius family which was to marry his daughter to the Neo, and in return, they would provide him with Ancient gems.

While they were talking a young girl came into the room, she was none other than Lisa Edelfelt the younger sister of Luvia, she quickly threw herself to her father and shouted cheerfully," Daddy! Today I succeeded in doing the magecraft you taught me!".

Seeing her younger daughter both Mr. and Mrs. Eldelfelt became happy and Mr. Eldelfelt said," Haha! I am proud of you my daughter! Just like your sister you are a genius! Once you both become adults you will be the new family heads!".

"Really Daddy?", tilting her head cutely she asked her father causing Mr. Eldelfelt to kiss her forehead. Poor Lisa didn't even know how cruel her father was and if not for her talent she would be in the young girl's position where Mr. Eldelfelt was doing his experiments and something like had already happened with him dissecting his oldest son that both Luvia and Lisa didn't know about it.


Luvia pouted and complained to her maid," I don't understand Maria! Why father would make trash my fiance?! Ah! Unlike my younger sister who is engaged to his childhood friend who is a genius, my luck is too bad!".

Maria sighed and said," Miss you don't need to worry, while you are engaged to Mr. Neo that is only officially, unofficially you can do whatever you want", her words made Luvia confused and she asked," What do you mean by Unofficially?".

The Maid chuckled and answered," You will know when you are an adult", she thought,' How funny it would when you would find how dark the world is little Luvia, poor girls don't even know what her mother and father do in secret and they even are unfaithful to each other with me being Mr. Edlefelt's one of sexual partner, hehe that man doesn't even know how much his wife is unfaithful to him '.


Neo Pov

I started changing my circuits and upgrading them before I started doing so I made sure to deny the concept of pain, I mean I am no masochistic who would like to bear the possible pain. I started changing my circuits one by one, upgrading each of them to the limit I can, my mana continuously drained up and filled up in an instant.

After doing so for half an hour I finished changing all the magic circuits, I was about to stop when I remembered something,' I have a Protagonist aura and what does a protagonist do? Endure pain to become even strong! Lay a strong foundation! I should do this ', after making sure of it, I started creating new circuits and I am sure if not for the Pain Nullifiers I got using by my magic it would have hurt like a bitch.

After creating 10 new circuits, I stopped and opened my eyes only to see an extremely worried Elsa who asked me," Master? Are you alright?! Did you succeed?" I smiled and nodded at her making her happy and she jumped on me, I carefully caught her and pulled her in my arms letting her sit on my lap while her head is on my chest.

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Master you won't have to worry and fear those bastards now, I am so happy", her words made me happy and emotional I quickly gave a kiss on her forehead and started patting her head.

"Elsa thank you for being with me till now", she sniffed my scent and rubbed her head on my chest, she then looked at me and said," Master I do not deserve your praise, instead I should be thankful to you for giving me your love, I am happy that Master doesn't need to worry about those bastards anymore".

I quickly kissed her lips, catching her off guard, but she just closed her eyes and opened her mouth letting me invade my tongue in her mouth, we kissed each other passionately for a few minutes before we broke our kiss, she looked at me in a daze before I chuckled and said," Elsa you are the most important person to me and I will never leave you and you shall also never leave me, now that I have higher quality mana it's time I solve your lifespan problem"

"Master?!", she said in shock, but then she hugged me and started muttering," I love you", like a broken record, I guess that's Yandere for you, anyway after having a few more lovey-dovey moments, we started preparing for her transformation.

' Before I start her transformation, I think I should check my status', thinking that I said in my mind,' Status '.


Name: Neo EL DIsardius

Age: 20

Strength: B+

Endurance: A

Agility: C

Mana: D->EX+

Luck: A+


Protection of Will of the Omniverse:*&^&

Intermediate Protagonist Aura: A+

Appraisal: C>A+

True Magic Denial Of Nothingness: EX+++

Eyes Of the Lord: EX

Punch That Surpasses Time: A++

The Father of the Humanity: A+

Physical Resistance: B-

Seeing the amount of Mana I have I couldn't help but laugh, I have more mana than even a Lostbelt King has! I also see my appraisal going to A-rank, which is a good thing for me, now I will be able to appraise stronger beings which I couldn't do previously.

Now after celebrating for a bit, I then shifted my focus to how to transform Elsa, I have all the theoretical knowledge that I piled up in my 20 years of life both magical and scientific, I have learned all the magecraft of five elements and even Strengthing Material, Strengthening Body and Projection Magecraft.

I can be said as a Jack of all trades and a master of none, despite learning all of them my magecraft can be said as only third grade, man I don't need to rely on the 3rd-grade magecraft when I have True Magic, anymore.

Now, what I have planned to do with Elsa is to turn her into a Human while she gets to keep all of the benefits of being a Homunculus and at the same time I will upgrade her mana reserves. After taking a list of things I need to do for her, I decided it was time to start.

I called Elsa and said," Elsa it's time that I should start, please lay on the bed Naked, so that I can start transforming you", she nodded hearing that, and took off her clothes, seeing her figure I again started getting horny but I quickly denied my horniness returning my state to normal.

(Author's Note: One thing I need to make clear is that denying such things as pain, horniness, etc is temporary so he will regain them after he is done with his job)

While I wasn't in heat anymore her figure was still attractive to me, her face was similar to Irisviel but more cold and beautiful, and her boobs were larger with her butt being bigger too, her curves were almost perfect making her a perfect piece of art to gaze upon.

After appreciating her beauty, I decided to start, I moved near her and used my Magic to deny the concept of pain in her, I then started transforming her into a human, and after 10 minutes I succeeded and without any problem, Elsa became a Human with benefits of being a Human on top of having the ridiculous amount of mana.

I checked her new status,



Affiliation: Neo El DIsardius

Love/Affection:^&@&(She has broken the limiter, Beware of Yandere!)

Loyalty:100>^&*%(She won't mind sacrificing herself or dying if that satisfies you)

Current Mood: Happy, Satisfied.

Perks: Yandere, Maid-Fetish, Masochistic.

Strength: F->E+

Endurance: F>E+

Agility: F->E+

Mana: F>EX

Luck: E>C


Perfect Human Body: C+

Seeing her new status I nodded, I then looked at her, she slowly stood up and then said," Master I feel different, also why I have so much mana?!", she looked at me with shock, I chuckled seeing her reaction and then explained to her, after hearing that she became emotional and kissed me leading to a passionate session.


I yawned and woke up, Elsa's head was still on my chest, and I decided to stay like this, for now, I looked at her and saw several bite marks on her neck, breasts, and on her back. It was proof of our passionate sex.

Looking at the ceiling I thought,' Elsa should be capable of self-defense now, she knows body strengthening, Healing, and Ice Magic, so with her EX quality mana and a huge amount of mana, she should be as strong as the weaker servants, making her almost invincible among the mages '.

I felt Elsa moving, she yawned and opened her eyes, looking at me she said," Good morning Master", I also said," Good Morning Elsa, we shall now clean ourselves and eat food, today I will get the catalyst and will summon the servant".

She became excited hearing that and quickly dragged me to the bathroom, which lead to me getting a blowjob and a titjob, with a legendary boob bath.


Finally finished with drawing the Magic circle, I placed the catalyst nearby and started Chanting. Man It's time to summon what fate is popular or and that is a servant!

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Heed my words! My will creates your body and your Sword creates my Destiny!

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

Answer to my summoning, if you obey my will and reason!

An oath shall be sworn here.

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all Hell's evils.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,

come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

As I finished chanting the Magic circle lit up and soon a person appeared in front of me, she looked at me and asked," Let me ask you are you, my Master?".

I nodded and said," Yes Medea of Colchis, I am the one who summoned you", she trembled when she heard me saying her name but then returned to her cold form and said, "Very well, I take an oath that I shall help you acquire the grail and in return, you shall provide me with the mana".

Soon I felt a connection being formed between us, I knew that a pact had formed between us, and I quickly checked her status.


Name: Medea

Affiliation: Neo El Dlsardius's servant(Temporarily).

Love/Affection: 1

Loyalty: 0

Perks: Housewife fetish, Submissive.

Current Mood: Curious, Afraid and Worried.

Strength: C

Endurance: C+

Agility: C+

Mana: A+++

Luck: B

Class Skills(Caster):

Item Constriction: A+

Territory Creation: A+

Personal Skills:

High-Speed Divine Words: A

Argon Coin: A++

Noble Phantasm:

Rule Breaker: C

Argon Coin: N/A

Satisfied with her status I nodded inside my mind though her mood did catch my attention, I guess she is worried about me knowing her true identity, then I thought,' Now all it is left to make her trust me, from what I know due to being betrayed many times and accused wrongly, she has become evil and she might betray me if I don't build up trust between us, well it's not that surprising, I mean even Gilgamesh betrayed his Master, not to mention Medea who has trust issues due to her past '.

Elsa excitedly looked at Medea much to her annoyance, she snorted and said," Can you please stop looking at me like that?", Elsa hearing that replied," I am sorry, it's just my first time seeing a servant".

I laughed and said," Now Elsa, arrange the dining table, we should give a treat to our Heroic spirit", I then looked at Medea and asked," Anything you like to eat?", she asked me," While as a Heroic Spirit I don't need to eat, I won't deny your offer and anything is fine as long it is tasty".

I nodded and said," Now let's chat while having dinner".


3rd Pov

Medea looked at the man in front of her with wary, she didn't know why was he being too good to her despite knowing her true identity, it was something new to her since every person who knew her true identity called her a 'witch' and hated her.

When she accepted the summoning, she had already planned to betray her master if he doesn't meet her requirements. For now, she was curious about him and wary of him. She also noticed she had all her abilities, and even her mana was too much, ' I never had this much mana in my lifetime ', she thought and looked at her Master.

She knew he was an exceptional mage for him to provide this much mana. She then followed him and sat on the chair, the white-haired maid called Elsa served them food, and then she sat on a chair near him.

She started feeding him much to her displeasure, she was envious of their Lovey-Dovey act, she snorted gaining his attention, and he said," Medea is food to your liking?". Yes, he treated her like a friend and she couldn't believe it. She was baffled and decided to find his true nature, whether it was a ploy or not.

She nodded and said," Yes food is delicious, my thanks to Lady Elsa, now master I think it's time we talk". Neo stopped eating food and asked," So tell me what you want to ask me, Medea?".

To be continued...