The Revenge Part 3

(Author's Note: Guys, I hope ya all enjoy the chapter)


3rd Pov

Mr. El Dlsaidius tried to ascertain the situation in front of him, the Queen of Clock Tower, one of the most arrogant Mages, calling his son the director with the title of 'Lord' spoke volumes about the situation, his son wasn't a cripple anymore, at least what he is was seeing in front of him, he looked at them with a smirk, full of hatred and anger.

He was also looking at them as he was looking at insects, and this made him gulp in nervousness, Mrs. El Dlsaridius wasn't in a good position either, her face looked at the son with worry and nervousness, her heart clenched in fear of what is about to happen, she made a fake smile and tried to look as motherly as possible, and said," Son-".

"Shutup Bitch!", shouted Neo without any reservation, he quickly created chains out of his Mana, binding all of them, while they are not as strong as Enkidu are enough to hold Modern Mages, all his siblings, cried and struggled in pain trying to break free from it but much to their despair, "Brother please let us go!", cried one of his sisters, her blue colored eyes looked at him with hope.

She believed that Neo would do so, she was one of the people who bullied him daily, and most of the time it was mental abuse, she liked to make him remember how much trash and disappointment to the family he is, berate him and treat him like he is worth nothing. Even so, she never considered her behavior to be wrong since according to her trash should be treated as trash right?

She even held a false hope, that he brother will forgive her, after all, she is the best sister one can hope for right? She is a magic genius surpassed by only Jone, not to mention she even bothered to greet him daily in her language, of course, he must be able to see her care for him right? If Neo had read her thoughts he would definitely say she is a delusional type of bitch, the same as those 3rd Rate Protagonists.

She looked towards for her brother, to stop torturing her as the chains held her legs and hands very tightly making her feel a huge pain, contrary to her expectation, a chain ripped through her boobs, binding both of her breasts together with the ground, "AHHHHHH!!!", she released a bone-chilling cry of pain so loud that even made others shudder in fear.

She continued crying in pain, as the chains tightened and held her, making her feel like her breasts are about to rip off from her body, "Hahahahhaha", Neo started laughing madly looking at her in pain, his face looked really villainous sending chills to the others to the very core of their being.

(Notice: Outer Gods have become interested in Neo and his sadism, they want him to join their ranks! As a low-level outer God of course!

Chuthuga: Hahaha! Neo will make a fine Outer God!

Other outer Gods: Agreed!

C'thalpa: Torturing women while ripping off their boobs! Hahaha, such a delightful scene to my eyes!

*Author Kun comes*

Daoloth: What are you doing here mere insect? Haha go and return to writing the puny stories that you are best in, otherwise, I will fuck all your stories and make you f*cked by orcs! Haha!

Author-Kun *Gets Angry*: I just wanted to shoo you guys away from eyeing my MC, but it seems that isn't enough!

Ghroth: It seems you want to get tort-Ah!!

*All Outer Gods Lose their powers*

Chuthuga: How did you just?! Ahhhhh!

Author-Kun: You wanted me to get f*cked by orcs? Huh? Get enjoy f*cked by Orcs made of Potty! Muahahaha, also for the information they are the hentai version.

All outers Gods: Noooo!

Azathoth hiding behind Author: Hentai?! Those cursed worlds!

He returned to his internal sleep seeing Author turning his head back, Author gets confused but then shrugs.

Author-Kun: Anyway guys let's continue the story!

PS: I am just poking fun, it is not in these's fanfic's verse, it was just purely for fun )

Blood leaks about his sister's breasts, behind him the three women seeing his new side became shocked,' Whatever, they deserve it, if it was me I would have made sure to make it more painful ', thought Elsa, Medea just thought it was fair for him to do so as for Saber she has no opinion, she will support her King in whatever decision he makes. Thus without any pity, they watched him torturing her step-sister.

Neo stopped laughing and looked at the scared-looking Mrs. Dlsardius he said," Listen here bitch, you don't deserve to be my mother, and you definitely do not deserve to call me your son", as he finished some chains pierced through her hands, legs, and stomach, she screamed loudly, his other siblings seeing these, became very scared, everyone peed in their pants or skirt, except Mr. Dlsardius and some even shit.

Neo covered his nose in disgust, seeing a yellow liquid dripping down from their legs, and smelling the bad smell, Barthameloi came beside him and with a bow said," Lord Director let me torture them in your stead, I cannot allow you to be dirty in their presence", she smiled waiting for a positive response, but all she got a cold stare which sent a chill to her spine.

He looked at her coldly and said," Don't interfere in my affairs", Barthamelou quickly nodded her head, and then replied," Forgive me for overstepping my boundaries", she quickly moved back, and bit her lips,' Damn my plan failed! He might now even dislike me for that! ', she quickly started thinking of something with which she could salvage the situation.

Neo returned his focus on torturing his family, he ripped off their nails of everyone, then healed them, he then pierced between their fingers and nails with needles, each nail being pierced by several needles, after a few minutes of their wailing, he healed them and continued torturing them, their wails continued ringing and it was almost after 5 hours when he did stop.

He healed all of them and erased the chains binding them, each one of them fell on the ground motionless, their eyes were hollow, and they were mentally broken by the torture, Neo clicked his tongue in annoyance then using his first True Magic he healed their mental state, all of them blinked their eyes and when their eyes fell on him they shuddered.

" Please stop that torture! I will do anything! I am even willing to be your sex slave!", his sister cried and begged, Neo snorted and said," Like I would want you as my sex slave, you don't deserve to even suck my cock", his words made her tremble as she felt all hope is lost when he said," But I will stop my torture", her eyes twinkled.

"Really?!", asked her mother in desperation, Neo nodded to their joy, but with a cruel smile he continued," That doesn't mean others won't torture you, Girls come here", they fell in despair as three most beautiful woman they ever have seen appeared before them with a cruel smile," Make sure to break them again".

He smiled and then with his first true Magic he took out Jone from them and looking at his shuddering figure he said," As for you", he said and a cruel smile appeared on his face, "No! Please Brother! Forgive me for all the wrong I did! I will even make Alissa suck your cock!", he yelled in desperation, he was even willing to be cucked for not to experience that torture again.

Neo clicked his tongue in annoyance hearing him,' He is too broken that even cucking him won't do anything to his mental state anymore if that's the case ', he thought and used his Third True Magic," Ahhhhhh!", cried Jone as his eyes rolled upwards, his scream became louder until his sound voice broke, what Neo did was simple.

He was destroying his very soul using his Heaven's Feel which had many uses other than just making people Immortal and giving them Infinite Mana, something he had researched before he began torturing them. He also got to know why Heaven's Feel was called Heaven's Feel. Since Jone was feeling the most primal pain, it was a trillion times more than being pierced in the nails and that was all over his body and soul.

Shaking off those thoughts, Neo focused on destroying Jone's soul, as it broke into pieces, and then he refined it and stored it inside him as a conceptual part, and then locked it making sure it doesn't even try to run away or Gaia tried to get it,' Though at most it will increase the Quality of soul if I assimilate it and I won't suffer from any side-effects since it's refined by me making it empty soul or pure ball of soul energy '.

Indeed he was very interested in researching souls, so he held it for research purposes rather than increasing his Soul Quality which he will do later on. He then looked at his three girls on how they were torturing them, Medea had some of them chained, whom she used various spells, resulting in what to say? A painful and horrifying transformation.

Elsa on other hand was piercing them all over the body with pins, and Saber was the most simple among them, simply ripping off their limbs, he healed them making sure they don't die as the torture continued, Barthomeloi came beside him as his cold eyes layover here, she became nervous and then presented him a chained Alissa.

"Lord Director, I have taken her here so you can get your revenge on her too", said Barthameloi, Neo nodded and replied," Thanks for that Miss. Barthameloi", a smile appeared on her face as she heard that and she thought,' Phew, I managed to salvage the situation, Haha thanks to this girl ', she looked at scared Alissa and mercilessly moved far despite her cries and beggings.

Alissa had been chained by Barthameloi and was looking at Neo's torture session for quite some time, as she was waiting for her to give him Alissa when he finishes torturing her, which had made Alissa quite scared by now, she looked at Neo and said," Ne-Neo I am sorry for everything!", he stopped as his eyes perked.

He had Third True Magic so he could know whether someone is lying or not if he wants to and he knew that Alissa was not lying and really wanted his forgiveness, but does that means he will stop? 'Well she didn't do much to me other than occasional insults and I know it was kinda my Protagonist Aura doing its sh*tty Job ', he thought and looked at her shivering figure.

He sneered and said," You want my forgiveness right?", she nodded like a cat, he sneered, and then used his First True Magic, crippling all her circuits and making a horrible pain run throughout her body, "Ahhhhh!", she screamed until she became unconscious, he healed her body, only her body though, and since he didn't heal his magic circuits, she became a cripple and trash by mage standards

He then looked at Barthameloi and said," I am done with her", she became surprised by that and wondered if there was any reason for him to spare her, then again living as trash in Mage society is hell as well, thus she quietly took her unconscious body and left the place.

After that, he healed the all tortured El Dlsardius, crippled their Magic circuits, and made them servants in his family while taking over Dlsardius, since he thought making them servants will be better as they will obey his every rule also destroying everything his family heritage when he is the successor will be stupid, as despite the little value it will give him, it will still make his works easier.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Damn, I let my inner sadist out to write this chapter, also I have chosen Neo's photo, you can go and see it in Volume 0)