Chapter 7: a hot black gentle man called Hakim

Chapter 7: a hot black gentle man called Hakim

When she woke up she was in a huge hall that was enclosed on all sides.

Other than her there are other people and by count it should be around hundred of them.

She is the first one to wake up and started to look around with curiosity.

She was sure that she was not kidnapped.

Her bag is with her and the phone is still on her hand.

There is not even a single change to her appearance when she was on the beach.

This shows that she was not kidnapped or anyone touched her body to move.

So she was transported here by other means.

She did not show any expression on her face at first but she decided to change it and act as a normal civilian that looked confused over her current situation.

She observed the nationality of other people.

They are from all over the world and there is not specific pattern.

She looked around the solid walls of the enclosed room.

She found that the walls are strong and made of some unknown material.

The people started to wake up one by one and the ruckus started with some people that have big mouth and throw their weights around.

Well some of the stupid big men are looking at her curves.

Before she clicked yes option a big wave splashed on her causing her white T- shirt to be transparent making the big guys to feast her tits with their eyes.

Well she don't mind them looking and acted like an air head that did not notice anything.

Mohini just simply ignored them and found a specific spot which is like an elevated platform.

Well there are morons that started to shout in their confused state.

"Hey how dare you kidnap me?

Do you know who I am?

Release me immediately or face the consequences of my background"

"Sir whoever that kidnapped me.

If you want money I can give you as much as you want so please release me."

"Is this a reality show or that illegal battle royal fighting that has recently become famous in the novels...?"

"Please release me if my husband finds out he will become doubtful of me again...."


The roof of the enclosed space is around 3 meters high and there is no opening anywhere around.

It is a perfectly enclosed room which intrigued Mohini very much.

By the time all the people woke up, suddenly right on the top of elevated platform, the roof made a circular light portal.

The people grasped their breath looking at the scene that is happening in front of them.

Then a person suddenly came out of the portal and fell straight on the elevated platform from 3 meters high.

He just landed on his feet as if nothing happened.

He looked strong, his skin tone is black and his facial features represent his nationality should be an African or a country that is very close to equator.

He is wearing normal casual dress and did not possess much of extravagance.

His face is peaceful which is in contrast to his appearance.

"Lost lambs don't quarrel.

I am here to explain the details to you."

The suddenly appeared black man spoke with grace.

"Who the hell is this black dog that want to speak to us standing on the top of the podium.

Don't try to bluff us with your tricks.

I know you jumped using some threads attacked to you and there are some flood lights above....."

A white man started to speak with arrogance like he is the master of the world.

"Who are you calling black dog..... I will kill you right away and shut your arrogant mouth once and for all."

Another black man from the crowd supported the suddenly appeared black man scolding the white man for showing racism.

There is Chinese man in army dress that acted as if he is cool and spoke.

"Mister you better send me back if you don't want to get into trouble with my country...."

Then there is a Japanese student like person that looked very excited.

"Hey...mister big man, is this the so called the fantasy world of magic or science fiction..."

There are a few people that spoke various kinds of words.

Mohini only looked quietly and did not speak a single word.

The big man did not say anything for some time and said.

"First listen to what I say then you can leave if you wanted to.

My name is Hakim."

"We are all from earth which is just a sanctuary of the real world.

Right now you are in between the sanctuary and the real world.

The real world is a dangerous place that is filled with various monsters and other races that compete for the resources.

Our task in the real world is to help the real world or the will of the world obtain the chaos energy through various means.......

We will talk about the important thing right now before going to in depth matters of the real world.

When a person in the sanctuary was able to connect to the magic talent or have the qualification to evolve or some other special cases then they will receive a call from the real world.

In the real world as long as you can survive longer you will be able to obtain whatever you want like money, power, beauty, super powers, eternal life.....

The real world is dangerous.

The currency of the real world is chaos points.

Earning chaos points has many ways like hunting the chaos monsters, completing the missions provided by the countries to the guilds or by entering the fantasy worlds....

In the current situation you are not yet accepted by the real world.

You have to pass the entrance test and this is also for rating your capabilities and giving you a grade and preference.

The test will be in fantasy world where you are given missions to complete...."


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