Chapter 15: Mary (Mohini)’s consciousness

Chapter 15: Mary (Mohini)'s consciousness

Mohini was reading through the memories of Mary (Mohini) to know more about this world and other situations.

The money she has in her bag is useless as the currency here is different.

She needs copper coins or silver coins or gold coins to get by here.

Based on the history she studied and got from the memories of Mary (Mohini) the copper coins are most useful but also cheap here because of the excessive copper mines around the place.

This place is also famous for pirates because of the trading ships that move around this rocky area.

The years should be around 1750's where this place is going into the control of the British crown and becoming a duchess.

But right now this place is under the control of various families that are in line with some of the British ministers.

The guards and soldiers around the area belong to British soldiers.

She might not be able to attract the attention of all these lords but she can pull some of their dicks into making contract with her.

She has learnt about the contracts from hakim.

She knows that she can make contracts on waste papers and make them work in the testing fantasy world.

This trick will only work on the testing fantasy world and not outside.

Other than the contracts she also want to steal as much of money and valuables as possible.

She has 30 days before the start of the plot and she has to be quick in implementing her plans to make the most out of it.


As she is thinking a maid knocked on the door and came inside after getting the permission of Mohini.

She brought in some cleaning things for Mohini to use to be refreshed.

The water is hot water and is at the right temperature.

Mohini liked this treatment that was not available in the modern times.

The maid helped her strip and cleaning her body...

Mohini got dressed up in new dress which was a dirndl that made her looked like a doll.

Lord Trelawney has not appeared in the past few days as he was out attending some social gatherings with his first wife.

He will be returning tonight.

But Mohini has did not expectations on the power of lord Trelawney because he is old and can at most last for one round which is less than 5 minutes.

Also he doesn't like to lick her pussy or finger her pussy or do any lewd foreplay to her.

Well he likes to suck on her tits and that is all there is to it.

He also demands her to suck on his dick till it stands up.

Mary (Mohini) stayed with him all this time because she is innocent and don't know the true pleasures of sex.

Also the outside world is very harsh for woman that is as beautiful and young as her.

Mohini current body that is Mary (Mohini)'s body is quite beautiful and she is only 22 years old.

She is from a rich background.

She is the daughter of a friend of lord Trelawney.

Because of some unfortunate events her family is gone and she ended up with lord Trelawney.

Then lord Trelawney made some lovely words to her making her into his concubine sealing her fate.

He even took all of her assets and merged it into his own assets.

"This Mary (Mohini) is really naive,

How can she not see that all of this was simply arranged by that old fox lord Trelawney?

Well let me get some revenge for you.

Most probably Mary (Mohini) has some mental problems from young age which caused her current situation and naivety...…"

Mohini thought in her heart.

Mohini has the ability to take the character of a fantasy world that she took over after completing some tasks given by the perverted fantasy system without paying much chaos points.

Even though Mohini took over the body of Mary (Mohini), the consciousness of Mary (Mohini) is still there and is experiencing the lewd thoughts and mentality of Mohini.

Well Mohini can bring Mary (Mohini) or any other character from the fantasy world only if they also accepted it.

Since Mohini is the dominant one here and the consciousness of Mary (Mohini) can only watch.

When Mohini was about to leave she can speak to her through the special patch of perverted fantasy system and get her answer.

After observing Mohini all the time Mary (Mohini) might give a good answer.

Because of the presence of Mohini the problems that Mary (Mohini)'s body and brain should have already cured which was mentioned in the 100 lust points that she spent previously to get the character of Mary (Mohini).

So what Mohini has to do is to show Mary (Mohini) things that she don't know and let her grow.

Since Mohini's stats were currently transferred to Mary (Mohini)'s body, Mary (Mohini)'s intelligence will also be good to develop quickly.

Mohini can choose to share some of her memories with Mary (Mohini) when she is the dominant one.

So, Mohini share some of her sad memories of betrayal and other things with Mary (Mohini) to let her understand the things quickly.

Mohini even mentioned this to Mary (Mohini) through her soul voice and got her affirmation trusting Mohini naively.

Mohini can only sigh for the time being and let her understand the things.

If things did not work out then Mohini can find other ways for the situation....

For now the important thing is to implement her plan.

Most probably tonight lord Trelawney would come back to her to cough…fuck her well that is in his thoughts.

Mohini know some aphrodisiac cooking methods from the commonly used spices.

She learnt many things in her past life.

Now is the time to put them in use.

Since this place is similar to earth she was from it is not a big problem to find the things that she wanted.

But in order to do any of this she needs a helping assistant that can act as a handy man behind the scenes...…


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