Chapter 19: a medicine for night activities

Chapter 19: a medicine for night activities

But she can complete that in a day or two with the experience she got from John.

Also she is going to use a special drug that with aphrodisiac properties to make lord Trelawney stuck to her till her plan succeeds.

In the morning Mary (Mohini) appeared energetic in front of the servants even thought her walking it a bit funny.

She and butler John made up a story that they were visited by a saint last night and he taught Mary (Mohini) some special medicine.

She is not going to cook that medicine for lord Trelawney.

Butler John sent this information to lord Trelawney.

Since at that time the superstitions were still prevailing over science lord Trelawney believe their words directly.

He came to take a look and a special medicine that Mary (Mohini) is going to cook for him.

They exaggerated the results saying that this medicine will revert their age over long time consumption and energize their body especially for nightly activities.

He was very interested in that as his body is not in a good position to enjoy many things.

That medicine that Mohini made can give the above mentioned things but it will directly burn the life of that person.

That is an equivalent price that needed to pay to gain some good things.

This thing was not mentioned by Mohini so no one knows.

Also this medicine is highly addictive in nature but it will not show much of the addiction in the first month of consumption so Mohini can play however she wanted.,

When lord Trelawney arrived it was around after noon.

He was told to sit for lunch while Mary (Mohini) and butler John arrived with some dishes and special medicine.

Mary (Mohini) spoke in her innocent self to lord Trelawney and narrated a fairy tale to him about a saint that gave her a medicine.

Lord Trelawney believed that but no completely.

He has to see the results before confirming his belief.

So he followed the words of Mary (Mohini) and drank a sweet medicine in a small cup.

He felt warmth in his stomach and very hungry immediately.

Mohini told him that in order to energize his body he should consume more healthy food.

Lord Trelawney believed her words and was already drooling smelling the wonderful scent of the food prepared by Mary (Mohini).

Mary (Mohini) served the dishes with the help of John.

It has been a long time since he was so hungry, so lord Trelawney directly ate a big portion of the food filling up his stomach.

He was very happy with filling his stomach just like his younger days.

At the same time he felt a burning lust under his pot belly.

His mini dick has erected to 4 inches long for the first time in his life which has shocked him very much.

He wanted to fuck Mary (Mohini) immediately.

He did not even give her any time to eat her lunch.

When asked he said that she can eat his cum.

Last night Mohini activated the fucking steal skill when getting fucked by John and got one stat point in vitality.

Well they have fucked many times and she tried the skill after each time he or she cummed which was considered getting fucked once by the system.

But she did not get any other valuable thing like a stat point.

The second valuable thing she got is an extra day of life span that belongs to butler John.

The remaining times it was just some clothes, underwear, money...…

Mohini know that at lower level this skill is like that and she will get better things as she upgrade the skill.

This goes for her other skills too.

But more powerful the skill is, the longer it takes to upgrade or gain its experience.

Well she has plenty of time and there are plenty of opportunities.

Right now she was dragged to her bed room with her clothes stripped off.

Lord Trelawney did not even do any foreplay and directly inserted his dick into her sore pussy that was still dry.

Mohini moaned in pain and pleasure and also received a notification.


Player received 10 points of damage, endurance skill activated and the damage is reduced to 1 point.

Player was able to resist the damage of 1 point because of 11 points of vitality resulting in 2 points of defense."

Mohini was shocked looking at the notification.

But the further movements of lord Trelawney made her roll her eyes as she started to feel the pleasure and received more notifications.

All of this has actually turned into experience for her endurance skill that was still having 0 skill experience points before.

Mohini is not idle with only pleasure as she started to activate her other skills too.

She started to plant a thought in the mind of lord Trelawney.

The thought is that "He would enjoy seeing his women especially Mary (Mohini) being fucked by other men in front of him"

Mohini don't just want to plant one thought in the mind of lord Trelawney there is more to it.

The second though that she wanted to plant in the mind of lord Trelawney is "he would believe and love Mary (Mohini) no matter what she said or did and support her unconditionally with all his might."

Mohini don't want to make him absolutely loyal to her as this would be boring.

Also she was sure that she cannot make lord Trelawney into her loyal dog as that would cause the balance of the foundation of this fantasy world to shift.

This will result in something dangerous for her so she will only plant some things that were in line with her plans.

Mohini is a fatalist and believes in fate.

After her encounter with the will of lust, Mohini was very sure that fate really exists and governs many things all over the world.

Since it is like that Mohini wanted to give the will of fate the best possible show that she can to entertain the will of fate...…..


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