Chapter 31: a passionate kiss with Mary

Chapter 31: a passionate kiss with Mary

"After receiving the rewards player can heal her injuries with the help of fantasy system before leaving the fantasy bridge space of rewards and punishments."

Mohini understood the information that just mentioned means and she patiently waited for the calculations to be done.

Finally it showed that Mohini has completed the mission successfully and the percentage of treasure he got is 100 percent.

World completion rate: 80 percent

For that Mohini received a reward list.

Please choose three rewards from the following list related to the treasure share and completion of the fantasy world mission.

1. Keep the gold and jewels

2. 100800 chaos points

3. 108 free attribute points

4. 1080 military merit points

5. 1080 civilian merit points

6. 540 military merit points and 540 civilian merit points

Mohini looked at the list and smiled.

Based on the hints she got from the introducing person hakim before entering the fantasy world Mohini know that the gold and jewels are of no use to her in the real world.

Well she was a little went imagining the hot dick of hakim that she tasted few months ago.

She prefers military merit points to civilian merit points.

With that her choice is confirmed as 2, 3 and 4 options.

Immediately Mohini received those listed things.

Then the next calculation started related to human relations like the subordinates that she got.

"Player got the subordinate through external patch of lust"

"Player has got a subordinate called Mary."

Name: Mary

Species: human (Ordinary)

Description: Mary is the forced mistress of Lord Trelawney. She is good at wine making.

Currently severely ill, contacted STD's and the amount of life span left is 1 year.


Mohini thought that she has over did it with Mary.

Mary is currently unconscious right beside her with pale face and weak body.

Mohini really felt that it was problematic to take the body of the characters which is hard for her and to them.

Well she has already talked it over with Mary and Mary has accepted her terms.

Mohini wanted to save her immediately but she cannot do anything right away.

So she first decided to heal Mary first.

Since Mohini took over Mary's body, Mohini's did not receive any problems to her body.

"Player can spend the following chaos points to heal and take the subordinate out into the real world.

Chaos points required: 9450 (Available chaos points: 119560)

Alternative lust points required: 94 (Available lust points: 3984)"

Mohini nodded her head and accepted to spend the chaos points and decided to save lust points.

She found that lust points can be converted to chaos points but chaos points cannot be converted back to lust points.

Also in the lewd items page on the store Lisa cannot spend chaos points as only lust points are useful there.

"Current balance: 110110 chaos points"

Immediately after that a bright light flashed beside Mohini and it slowly turned into the human shape on unconscious Mary.

When the light finally retracted Mary regained her consciousness in front of Mohini.

She is currently wearing a long floral painted purple gown before coming here from the Treasure Island.

Her complexion is much better than before

Her illness is gone and she looked a little younger too.

Her current age right now is 24 years but she looked like she is only 20 years old.

Mohini got her hand and hugged her.

"Now we can be together."

Mary was confused for some time as her stats went back to their original numbers which are very weak.

But still her mind is much better and she can really think properly.

She understands what Mohini did and she was both happy and sad towards Mohini.

But she accepted it as her life has many ups and downs.

The things that Mohini did are not that bad and she really enjoyed it through her body.

Right now she is feeling grateful towards Mohini for helping her out and not abandoning like other people.

So she whole heartedly hugged Mohini and decided that Mohini will be her partner for life and she will follow her with loyal heart.

At that moment a screen appeared in front of Mohini and Mary showing everything that Mohini did in the movie while also calculating all then other things in her storage and achievements if any.

Mary watched the scenes one after the other from their hot steamy scenes all over the place to the death scene of Lord Trelawney.

Mary let out a happy smile looking at the painful death of Lord Trelawney.

She hugged Mohini even tighter and thanked her for killing Lord Trelawney with all the pain she should feel.

Previously she did not react to Mohini because she was looking at the endless starry skies around her.

It gave a strange feeling to her that is like oppression and sadness.

But with the death of Lord Trelawney her thoughts changed and felt that this place is peaceful and romantic too.

Mohini gave Mary a deep kiss on her lips as the two women shared a kiss passionately.

When they are immersed in that state the final calculation is done.

The contract paper flew out of her storage space one after the other and appeared in front of Mohini.

They all merged into a light screen in the form of a list.

At the end of each listed contract there is "poorly made contract" "Testing phase exemption"

Mohini sighed of relief and these chaos points are added forming 49.97 million chaos points.

On the light screen by the side it showed the lords that previously signed the contracts and suddenly losing their valuables one after the other to compensate Mohini for the chaos points that was accepted in contract.

If it is poorly made contract then the amount of chaos points Mohini would get is only 1 percent or even less.

There are other consequences of contract being not recognized by the system too.

It is the testing world that lets player horde chaos points as starting capital for the subsequent support of the players.....


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