Chapter 43: Macho woman slave

Chapter 43: Macho woman slave

That person is a native of the real world and knows the secrets of contract beforehand and got a world where money still has value.

They used the contract skill to get that many small contracts to gain the million chaos points.

Previously Mohini thought that she is the only person to have this contract skill.

But most of the people in the real world have contract skill and the skill path was also mentioned clearly after research and development.

Mohini was a little disappointed but she was not that unhappy.

Even though she broke the record Mohini did not gain any achievement related to the amount of chaos points that she obtained.

It was already taken by someone that gained 1 million chaos points previously.

It seems that the higher level achievement for this kind of hording chaos points is not available.

Since she has reached the number of 100 million chaos points but got no achievement about it is as sad thing.

The other people tried the same achievement in other fantasy world.

But it is unachievable because the contract skill is inadequate and the materials required to make high level contracts are very expensive.

There is no guarantee that the contract will be successful so the 10 million chaos point's achievement is still untouched.

But Mohini found that there are no achievement awards for reaching 10 million or 100 million chaos points only first 1 million chaos points achievement is available.

There is another problem here that is not all fantasy world has value for money to make a contract.

For example in worlds with apocalypse setting with zombies or other things, the value of money or precious materials is gone.

Even if a contract is made the benefits from them might be zero.

So the big contracts are not made making the total accumulation of chaos points very less.

In the past few years there is not a single person that reached 100 thousand chaos points in the testing fantasy world.

If it is replaced with normal fantasy worlds the accumulation can range between 500 chaos points to 50 thousand chaos points if the task is of high level.

The tasks were graded too.

The ranges of the tasks are from tier 1 to tier 10 and the grades are

They are random, basic, ordinary, common, uncommon, unique, rare, epic, legendary, and mythical.

In the beginner's town most of the players ever do random, basic and ordinary quests through various meanings.

The support of the native powers can improve that to uncommon and unique grade.

Very rarely it will reach to rare grade, the method is considered as top secret of the powers because the reward for the epic level can give at least 30 free attribute points and a good load of civilian merit.

There are other benefits too.


Mohini has her own way of doing things and her target is to get at least one of the top three grades which is unique, legendary or mythical.

For that she has to start with the dark side and try the way that no one tried.

So she started with the slave shop.

The target is the slave that was sold but returned many time because of the bad luck of the slave.

Because of this reason this slave is not sold for the past 10 years.

It is said that this slave has a high level of techniques related to both construction and crafting.

This slave possesses the blood line of both giants and dwarfs which is extremely rare.

This slave is a woman that looked like an extreme body builder.

If there is no big bulge of her chest and no bulge on her crotch it is impossible to tell that this slave is a woman.

She has a long hair that is chocolate in color but everything is greasy because of poor maintenance.

Currently she is wearing a cumbersome dress of a blacksmith worker.

She did not have any tools with her.

Even though she looked like she can go to war at any time but her inner feelings are very depressed.

She has given up hope a long time ago.

She felt more like a shell without a soul.

Mohini was led into the slave shop and the manager took her to this special slave under her request.

Originally manager wanted to take Mohini towards the male collection as Mohini is a women in later 20's.

The manager was happy that this slave has another customer after a long time.

Mohini looked at the introductions of this slave woman.

Her name it Titia.

Even though Mohini came to her she did not seem to think that Mohini would buy her.

Previously there are many customers that came to her because of her excellent potential in both the fields of construction and forging.

But seeing her record of deaths of her previous masters has made them leave with tail between their legs.

Also her appearance is not attractive to them.

Even now she is still a virgin.

There are at least 5 people that bought her but died due to various reasons in just 2 years.

Her current age is 29 years and in a few years she will lose her peak period of improvement.

If she did not evolve within the next year then she will most probably die and became an experimental object in some alchemy tower......

Well there are reasons for this kind of thinking and she has already lost hope on her life.

Mohini can easily read her mind through her facial expression.

Her current price is only 50 thousand chaos points.

But the original price 10 years ago is more than 5 million chaos points.

One can understand the impact that caused on her life after the death of her masters.

Mohini did not hesitate and directly bought her from the slave market manage and also made a request to not to give this information to anyone.


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