Chapter 49: using the simulation skill for the first time

Chapter 49: using the simulation skill for the first time

The faction she is going to go is rich in medicinal materials used for refining.

As long as she can arrange things clearly, Mohini can easily become a rich man in the real world.

There are many things that Mohini wanted to get and they require loads of chaos points.

So she has to find some stable and strong sources of chaos points for her future.


With these thoughts she strongly thought of succeeding to refine the charm improvement pill.

She started to refine.

The entire process of refining these low level tier 1 pills is easy but the grade of the pill shows the difficulty.

Even a tier 5 pill refiner will not be able to refine a legend grade tier 1 pill directly even thought the process of refining tier 1 pill is easy.

The chance of success has many factors.

So, the higher the grade of the pill is the higher the difficulty of refining.

As for the higher tier pill refining has complicated process than lower tier pill refining.


Mohini followed the basic method of refining while adding the materials one by one and heating.

Because of the strong concentration and her affinity towards the refining process she was able to get some timely warnings intuitively.

When the thing reaches the critical level she was able to control the process with her excellent control of actions that she trained over the years.

Well the training is related to stopping men from Cumming and she stops her orgasm to get more pleasure

The process was smooth and the final step of success or failure depends on chance.

When she opened the cauldron there is a medicinal paste that looked green in color like green monster slime.

Mohini don't know if it is success or failure but the smell of the green monster smile is unbearable.

The information that she got previously has many details.

It mentioned that the final result should be grayish medicinal paste that smells like manure.

That would be an epic grade tier 1 charm improvement pill that can improve 3 points of charm stats after consuming.

Mohini thought that it is a failure.

Please don't think that the pill refining formula can make the pills directly like in some novels and anime.

The first product will be medicinal paste and people have to make it into pill by hand if they cannot use telekinesis.

If they are proficient in telekinesis then they can simply use it to make the pill from the medicinal paste and take a step forward to harden its shell to make the pill last long.

Mohini has just learnt the telekinesis skill through a skill book along with the fire making skill.

So she did not have much practice or time for that.


After thinking for a while Mohini wanted to test the medicinal paste that she refined by herself.

Even thought she felt that the thing is a failed product, she still hoped to get some benefits out of it.

Naturally it is poisonous to consume the medicinal paste without prior experimentation and finding the medicinal effects.

Well she suddenly thought of the simulation skill that she purchased but not used till now.

This skill is already maxed in level and there is no need for improvement.

But the cost of usage in the real world is 10 thousand chaos points.

Other than that it can only simulate for 1 year of time or her death in the middle.

Mohini was reluctant to use so much on the simulation skill just to test out the pill.

Suddenly she slapped on the back of her head for thinking stupidly.

Information is important for her and she did not test this simulation skill even once after getting it.

It is better to test it to find the benefits and problems before entering the next fantasy world.

Also she was confident that she will not die within a year.

So the information that she can obtain within this year is very valuable for her.

Since she is new to this real world and made some choices it is better to know the consequences......

With many thoughts Mohini has finally decided to use the simulation skill.


Player, do you want to use the simulation skill in the real world?

Please pay 10 thousand chaos points for usage.



Mohini looked through the message and decisively chose to spend the 10 thousand chaos points to know what future holds for her.


Payment received.

Simulation starts."

Mohini received this message through the light screen and then the new messages started to pop out one after the other.

"Real world, new era year 721,"

"First month, entered into the real world with loads of chaos points,

Cautious nature played its role and found you way into a neutral faction called king of nature faction.

Obtained a high potential slave Titia and won her heart with a muscle concentration pill.

Tried to refine a charm improvement pill while doing a quest of the beginner's town and refined a legend level charm improvement pill.

This was found after tasting it personally and getting a charm improvement of 7 charm stat points.

Gained benefits completing the quests in the beginner's town...."

"Second month,

Left the beginner's island and reached the king of nature faction.

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: high school of dead

Completed the fantasy world successfully

Adapted to the new place and got more information related to chaos monster hunting."

"Third month,

Arrived at the safe island under the oriental country protection in the tier 1 ring,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: Titanic

Completed the fantasy world successfully

Went to raid a resource island,

Performed extreme proficiency in hunting and some special abilities

You have attracted the attention of some powerful factions in the oriental country.

By chance you discovered a vitality essence pool.

You were discovered by the son of king of arms......"


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