Chapter 53: a heartfelt conversation with women

Chapter 53: a heartfelt conversation with women

Mohini wanted to try this quest out tonight or tomorrow night in the dead of the night.

When everything was set and done Mohini went to call the servants to bring in big portion of food for her.

The servants looked at Mohini weirdly because of the huge quantities of food that Mohini asked them.

This food is at least enough for 5 people.

Mohini is waiting for the girls to come out after Titia's wakes up.

From the memories she should already woke up and bathing right now.

Well women take longer baths so she has to wait for a little while.

Mohini is not idle as she was studying the information she bought previously.

There are many things she don't know about this world.

The food arrived quickly and Mohini know that the women would be out any minute now.

Right after that something happened that Mohini did not expect to happened.

The doors of the bathroom opened and two women wrapped in bath towel came out.

One of them is with the hot curves and water fall like hair which is Mary.

She looked hot with only bath towel wrapping around her body fresh out of hot bath.

The other woman is short by a head to Mohini.

She looked around the age of 13 or 14 years old in body but her tits has already crossed the limit of F-cup which is a miracle.

There is even baby fat around her cheeks and looked like a perfect loli.

Mohini has never expected that the muscle concentration pill works to this extent making Titia looks like a little loli.

But it a grand feast to her eyes.

Mohini likes both men and women as sex partners.

She is a 30 year old loli with the body of a 14 year old.

She has actually become cute and hot at the same time.

Just from the appearance of these two women Mohini has almost lost control of her dick growth skill and became aroused.

It took her a few moments to regain control in such a contrast environment with two beautiful women with various proportions.


"Master why are you sighing.... am I not beautiful...."

The little loli Titia asked with a pouting expression.

Mohini smiled and said.

"I am not sighing because you are not beautiful but looking at you two at the same time has almost made me feel like I am in heaven....

So I am sighing at your marvelous beauty...."

The two women grinned with bright smiles for Mohini's words.

Mohini called them to sit down and have dinner.

Well she did not take any advantages of them right now as they have to slowly cultivate feelings instead of rushing the things.

The two women smiled sweetly, came to either sides of Mohini and gave her a kiss on her cheeks.

Mohini felt the warmth in her heart.

Titia thought.

"Master is really a good person;

She did not take advantage of me even seeing me like this.

What Sister Mary said is true.

But I want to know what her thoughts are about me.

How to ask her directly....?"

Titia thought in her heart.

Mohini saw her thinking with changing expressions on her face and spoke with a smile.

"Titia I know what you are thinking.

It is not that I don't think you are beautiful or anything else.

I don't want to force you.

I really hope that you will become my woman just like Mary with your body.

But I want to slowly cultivate both your feeling to finally make you my women in both body and in heart.

Till then I will not make any advances on you both.

What I want from you is true loyalty.

I will wait till you both truly open up your hearts to me.....

Now let's eat before the food gets cold..."

Mohini said as she moved to eat the food while serving the two women.

But the women went back to the bathroom immediately to put on their clothes and also to wipe their tears that they are holding on.

They were truly moved by the words of Mohini and understand what kind of woman she is.

So they were truly happy to get a person like Mohini to be their master.

After dressing up they both came with beautiful appearances.

Their dresses truly suit them.

Mohini previously bought all the clothes with automatic size adjustment, automatic repair and automatic cleaning functions.

So their dresses automatically fit to the changed sizes of Titia.

Everything is fine with a happy meal.

Even thought Titia became short she still are the same amount of food which is quite amazing.

Secretly Mohini thought that most of the food should have become energy and went into her tits.

After getting a closure look Mohini found that Titia's tits are not F- cup instead it is G- cup.

Mohini has a hard time moving her eyes from those milk jugs.

Even her tits are not that perfect which made her a little jealous but her dick stood up suddenly again.

Mary also has a pair that is no way smaller than that of Titia after being nourished with good meat and food over the time.

Well it is a good thing for Mohini any way.

She will be able to play with them in the future.

For now she has to hold back.

When they are truly loyal to Mohini then she can make other plays with them too in the outdoors with some exhibitionism.

Mohini has a feeling that both of her women can quickly become horny sluts like her and were able to enjoy the life just like she was.

Any way she is going to try the horny widow of the beginner's town so she is not worried about her new big dick feeling lonely.

After the meal Mohini gave them good night kisses, on the cheeks and sent them back to the ark island...


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