Chapter 55: horny widow part-2

Chapter 55: horny widow part-2

The horny widow looked so frustrated that she almost wants to attack Mohini.

After Mohini touched her, her own hands cannot help relieve her lust and frustration.

Right now she wanted the hand of Mohini to relieve her lust and let her climax.

But Mohini did not have any thoughts of moving forward to helping her.

She finally bit her lips and spoke.

"She is originally not like that.

Her husband has taken care of all of her sexual needs.

But he died very young and she was left alone like this.

The eyes of the lustful men of this town, their actions and words have ignited lust and desire in her heart.

But there is no one to relieve her.

She wanted to find a companion for herself.

After many years of watching people she finally decided to peruse her childhood love interest that was still interested in her.

But he is not a man with backbone that can come up front and ask her hand to marriage.

Being a woman and a widow she cannot say it out to him leaving her shame which is not like a woman.

Also she did not know if her child hood sweet heart still loves her or not.

Because of all these things she can only relieve her lust with her own hands.

She did not trust anyone because most men in the town covet her and want to fuck her whenever they want like a prostitute of this town, so they would use secret means to act on her or her love.

Because of these fears she can only stay silent all her life.

Finding her story Mohini sighed and placed her hand on her pussy and used his technique to let her climax first.

She did not feel any lust for her as she belongs to someone else and a pitiful woman that was trapped by the society.

When she was panting from a big orgasm Mohini said to her.

"I will speak to your child hood sweet heart.

Tell him your thoughts and find his own thoughts about you to give you an answer.

I will do it all in secret so that no other person in the village would find out about this.

Do you accept this?"

She looked at the woman that is still panting for her confirmation.

This was the first time the horny widow would give a quest like that.

All the time the quest would be to satisfy her.

This is the only time Mohini was able to find the back story and wanted to see if it is really a hidden quest.

With her intentional look the panting woman nodded her head with a very happy expression.

Immediately Mohini receive a quest through the fantasy system.

Quest: horny widow marriage

Description: horny widow is so horny that she needs a partner to relieve her lust and a man to stand by her side.

Requirement: talk with the childhood sweet heart of the horny widow and persuade him to marry her.

Rewards: special pill that can improve 5 intelligent stat points, 5 charm stat points, 5 vitality stat points.


Mohini's eyes widened looking at the generous reward.

A sweet smile crept on his face as she looked at the horny widow like looking at the fat sheep.

But she retracted his smile quickly and nodded her head.

Mohini wanted to complete this quest in the dead of the night when no one was around to obstruct her or find the secret of this quest.

When Mohini wanted to leave the women wanted to have another climax with her technique.

Mohini did not reject it.

She being a person that took the quest from this wealthy patron she has to provide some service for her.

So she let her have another 2 climaxes before sneaking out of that place.

She went straight to the south side of the town where there is a man that sell fire wood.

He is sleeping outside his house under the cool breeze of the sea.

This man who looked scrawny with tanned skin with an innocent face...

Well Mohini don't care on how he looks or anything.

The horny widow is not that beautiful but has some special abilities to emit pheromones just like her seductive scent skill.

Most probably she has some special blood line that cause this effect.

Well Mohini did not bother with these things.

Mohini has another thought to fuck this tanned man before the horny widow in this outdoor place.

There will not be any patrol in the outskirts of the town.

First she slowly woke up the tanned man and started to speak about the horny widow.

The tanned man first thought Mohini as some thief but he immediately believed Mohini.

This is most probably caused by the 21 stat points in charm stats that she possesses.

When Mohini explained the details to him he contemplated with shy face.

When he heard the sadness and problems of the horny widow he showed some fierceness in his thoughts.

Finally Mohini told him that the horny widow has still had him in her heart.

This made his face show happiness as she was his childhood sweet heart.

He was thoroughly persuaded by Mohini into marrying the horny widow.

All Mohini has to do is to take him to her house and let them marry in the temple of the beginner's town early tomorrow morning.

But Mohini don't want to take him directly and said.

"Since horny widow is not a virgin and has been with someone for some time you should also fuck another woman to be fair right."

He is an innocent simply minded man so he directly accepted it with the power of Mohini's charm.

"But where can I find a woman to sleep with when I am just a wood current.

That is the reason why I was unable to get married."

The man said while scratching his almost bald head.


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