Chapter 57: a hidden cave or mythical resources

Chapter 57: a hidden cave or mythical resources

This was also bought from the system and did not have many side effects.

Even thought they can be like this for only a month it was enough to be a happy couple.

The information that Mohini got from the wood cutter that made her so happy is related to a special tree that is in a secret place of the beginner's island.

This tree is said to be the best tree for the ark foundation that the hunters use for tier 1 transformation.

Also he said that this tree grows on a special rock and even the surrounding soil were all of great use for Ark Island.....

Mohini was taken aback.

She did not return back to the quarters of king of natural faction of the oriental country but made her way to the location that the wood cutter gave her.

Mohini moved sneakily so that this location is unknown to all.

This was a valley in the beginner's island and there is a water fall with beautiful scenery.

In the valley there is a hidden cave covered with bolder leaving a small gap that can only fit one man.

This place was discovered by the wood cutter previously and has blocked this path with mud completely closing the entrance.

Mohini broke the mud layer and entered the cave.

She moved to through the narrow passage way with her tits and ass stuck because of their size.

As she moved she felt like moving upwards finally reaching a huge open area.

In the middle of that place there is a big pool with an emerald rock island at the centre.

On the top of that rock is a lush green tree.

Mohini don't want to damage the tree or this beautiful scenery.

But first went to look at the water to look, examine the entire area.

She found that the stone and wood of the tree are of mythical grade.

The area where the falling sunlight gave a green glow that made the entire area glowing with vitality.

Even the water is clear and pure.

Mohini cannot estimate these things properly so she called out the women both Mary and Titia.

Titia being a builder should know all these things.

She can identify them and help Mohini for improving the ark ship and island.

The reaction of Titia is so great that she literally fainted after taking a few deep breaths jiggle her G- cup tits.

It was a feast to Mohini's eyes making her want to play with them but she controlled herself and helped Titia from falling down.

When she woke up Titia looked at Mohini as if she was looking at a great god.

"How did you find these?

Just how is it possible?

These materials, do you know how precious they are.....?"

She was so tensed up that she would faint again.

Mohini couldn't think of a way to calm her down so she directly gave her a kiss on her sweet lips while patting on her back to calm her mind.

Titia blushed till her face turned red and even her neck is as red as tomato.

When she calmed down stopping her tits to jiggle and finally spoke with shy face.

"I have.... calmed down.... thank you master..."

Mohini smiled and said.

"Don't call me master,

Just call me Mohini or even a bitch or a slut is okay like Mary does.

Now tell me the details of these materials calmly.

All of them belong to us and no one will take them so you can calm down."

Listening to Mohini's words Titia's eyes shined with bright light from both happiness and shyness.

She started to speak.

"Mas... Mohini these materials all tier 1 mythical grade materials.

To be more precise they are priceless and extremely hard to get.

It is not that these materials are hard to collect, they are simply unavailable.

They only appear on ruins islands extremely rarely and almost never on resource islands.

Every time they appear there will a great fight for these materials.

If you put them in the market you can exchange one set of them for 10 sets of precious tier 7 materials of rare grade.

Naturally their value is even more to reach tier 10 materials or rare grade.

Unfortunately there is currently no one that crossed over the ring 7 and all the materials above tier 7 are unavailable.

The reason for such a difference is because these materials are used for foundation.

Yes they are used for foundation materials for ark ships, ark islands, artifacts, refining instruments like caldrons.....

Higher tier materials are unusable as the base foundation materials.

So the higher the grade of the foundation material is the higher the level of ark or artifact that can have at the future upgrades.

The materials here are the highest grade foundation materials that can be found.

Based on the records no one has ever obtained so many different kinds of foundation materials in these high quantities, that too in the beginner's island.

There is a rumor saying that the materials on the beginner's island also needed to grow from start to the end unlike the people that reset every year.

If we harvest all of these materials here then when the beginner's island resets this place will again became a place with normal materials.

It will take thousands of years for these materials here to grow and improve to become the mythical grade materials again...."

Titia spoke without stopping for half an hour explaining many things to Mohini based on the builder's point of view.

After listening to her Mohini asked Titia,

"How long will it take for us to harvest all of these materials?"

Titia thought for a moment and said.

"It will take around 5 days to completely harvest them.

Also we need some better tools to harvest them in better quality and preserve them for sometime without looking their potential."

Mohini asked another question.

"How much of these materials that we require to improve the ark...?"


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